The Lost World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Lost World.

The Lost World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Lost World.
expression, our contemporary ancestors, who can still be found with all their hideous and formidable characteristics if one has but the energy and hardihood to seek their haunts.  Creatures which were supposed to be Jurassic, monsters who would hunt down and devour our largest and fiercest mammals, still exist.”  (Cries of “Bosh!” “Prove it!” “How do you know?” “Question!”) “How do I know, you ask me?  I know because I have visited their secret haunts.  I know because I have seen some of them.”  (Applause, uproar, and a voice, “Liar!”) “Am I a liar?” (General hearty and noisy assent.) “Did I hear someone say that I was a liar?  Will the person who called me a liar kindly stand up that I may know him?” (A voice, “Here he is, sir!” and an inoffensive little person in spectacles, struggling violently, was held up among a group of students.) “Did you venture to call me a liar?” ("No, sir, no!” shouted the accused, and disappeared like a jack-in-the-box.) “If any person in this hall dares to doubt my veracity, I shall be glad to have a few words with him after the lecture.” ("Liar!”) “Who said that?” (Again the inoffensive one plunging desperately, was elevated high into the air.) “If I come down among you——­” (General chorus of “Come, love, come!” which interrupted the proceedings for some moments, while the chairman, standing up and waving both his arms, seemed to be conducting the music.  The Professor, with his face flushed, his nostrils dilated, and his beard bristling, was now in a proper Berserk mood.) “Every great discoverer has been met with the same incredulity—­the sure brand of a generation of fools.  When great facts are laid before you, you have not the intuition, the imagination which would help you to understand them.  You can only throw mud at the men who have risked their lives to open new fields to science.  You persecute the prophets!  Galileo!  Darwin, and I——­” (Prolonged cheering and complete interruption.)

All this is from my hurried notes taken at the time, which give little notion of the absolute chaos to which the assembly had by this time been reduced.  So terrific was the uproar that several ladies had already beaten a hurried retreat.  Grave and reverend seniors seemed to have caught the prevailing spirit as badly as the students, and I saw white-bearded men rising and shaking their fists at the obdurate Professor.  The whole great audience seethed and simmered like a boiling pot.  The Professor took a step forward and raised both his hands.  There was something so big and arresting and virile in the man that the clatter and shouting died gradually away before his commanding gesture and his masterful eyes.  He seemed to have a definite message.  They hushed to hear it.

“I will not detain you,” he said.  “It is not worth it.  Truth is truth, and the noise of a number of foolish young men—­and, I fear I must add, of their equally foolish seniors—­cannot affect the matter.  I claim that I have opened a new field of science.  You dispute it.” (Cheers.) “Then I put you to the test.  Will you accredit one or more of your own number to go out as your representatives and test my statement in your name?”

Project Gutenberg
The Lost World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.