Inaugural Addresses of President—
McKinley, 7, 162.
Roosevelt, 314,
India.—Area, 1,559,603 square miles;
population (1901), 294,266,701.
Indian Appropriation Bill.—Necessity of passing, discussed, 35.
Indian Territory.—Population (1900), 302,060.
Indiana.—Population (1900), 2,416,462.
Action recommended to enable the Iroquois,
Delawares, and Abenaki
in Canada to attend exposition
held at Omaha, 45.
Act to refer claims for depredations by,
to Court of Claims, veto, 159.
Instructions to commissioners engaged
with, in Indian Territory, 34.
Treaty with, ratified by proclamation,
Five civilized tribes discussed, 33.
Internal Revenue.—During the recent war
with Spain there was
collected in 1901 from the taxes imposed
for war purposes $306,871,669.
Iowa.—Population (1900), 2,231,853.
Italy.—Population (1901), 32,450,000.
Indemnity paid by United States for subjects
of, lynched, 156, 158.
Japan.—Commercial relations with, 70, 128.
Questions with, settled, 27.
Relations with, 68.
Kansas.—Population (1900), 1,470,495.
Kentucky.—Population (1900), 2,147,174.
Kongo Free State.—Population (1901), about 30,000,000.
Korea or Corea.—Population estimated from
eight to
sixteen millions.
La Abra Silver Mining Company, claim of against Mexico, 129.
Labor, principal of arbitration in, referred to, 46.
Labor, Hours of:
Referred to, 46, 152.
Laborers, Alien:
Discussed, 46, 152.
Lands, Public:
Discussed, 87, 149.
Disposition of, discussed by President
McKinley, 149.
Opened to settlement, proclaimed, 178,
196, 215, 237, 243, 261, 274,
277, 286, 289, 290, 371, 382,
Sale of, discussed by President McKinley,
Set apart as public reservation by proclamation
of President—
McKinley, 169, 171, 175, 179,
185, 187, 189, 190, 194, 195, 204,
206, 209, 213,
226, 227, 236, 237, 239, 247, 256.
Roosevelt, 360, 361, 364,
367, 369, 374, 375, 377, 383, 385, 390,
392, 398, 397,
400, 401, 402, 403.
Lawshe, Abraham L.—Report of and investigation
into expenditure
of Cuban funds, 155.
Liberia.—The total population in 1902 was 1,500,000, mostly natives.
Library of Congress, referred to, 37.
Life Insurance Companies, American.—Exclusion
of, from transacting
business in Germany,
67, 125.
Referred to, 37.
Loans, discussed, 9.
Louisiana.—Population (1900) was 1,381,625.
Lynching in, referred to, 19.
Sufferers from floods relieved by appropriation,