Daws Commission, discussed, 35, 86.
Day, William R., Secretary of State, 170.
Debt, Public.—On July 1, 1901, the public
debt of the United
States amounted to $2,143,326,933.89.
Defenses, Public, discussed by President McKinley, 146.
Delagoa Bay Railway, claims regarding, submitted to
arbitration, 130.
Delaware.—Population (1900), 184,735.
Denmark.—Population (1901), 2,464,770.
Detroit, The, mentioned, 62.
Distilled Spirits, sale of, in Manila, information
transmitted, 110.
District of Columbia.—Population (1900),
National celebration of the Centennial
Anniversary of the transfer of
seat of Government to, 46,
101, 152.
Ecuador.—Population (1900), 1,270,000.
Egypt.—Population, 9,734,000.
Elections, Constitutional Convention in Cuba, appointed,
Not to be held in Hawaii, 264.
Europe.—Population (1900) about 380,000,000.
Executive Departments:
Appointments and promotions in, order
regarding promotions to be given
veterans in, 403.
Canvassing for outside support for promotions
forbidden, 403.
Employees in, order permitting to participate
in public exercises,
264, 269, 285, 406.
Expansion, Territorial, foreign policy discussed by
McKinley, 19, 31.
Expenditures, Public.—For the year ending
June 30, 1899,
they had increased to $605,072,180.
Congress warned about, 9.
Experiment Stations:
Discussed, 46.
Exports.—In 1901 the value of exports in
the United States was
$1,460,462,806 exclusive of gold and silver.
Extraordinary Session of Congress, proclamation convening, 167.
Falkland Islands.—Population (1901), 2,043.
Faure, President, death of, referred to, 64.
Fiji or Feejee Islands.—Population (1901), 117,810.
Finances, discussed by President—
McKinley, 7, 13. 15, 135, 162.
Roosevelt, 319.
Five Civilized Tribes, discussed, 33.
Florida.—Population (1900), 528,542.
Foreign Coins.—Value of Alphonsino and Louis fixed by order, 290.
Foreign Import Duties, modifications of tariff laws discussed, 10.
Foreign Policy of the United States, discussed, 12, 19, 51.
Forestry System, inauguration of, discussed, 87.
France.—Population (1901), 38,641,333,
and of her colonial
possessions about 51,000,000.
Faure, President, death of, referred to
by President McKinley, 64.
Wines, duty on, imported into United States
modified by reciprocal
trade relations, proclamation
concerning, 172.
Free-Delivery System extended to rural districts, 148.