California.—Population (1900), 1,485,053.
Call, Dr. Samuel J., thanks of Congress recommended to, 50.
Canada, Dominion of.—Population (1901),
Commission, Joint High, progress of, discussed,
Canary Islands.—Population (1902), 334,500.
Cape Verd Islands.—Population (1900), 147,424.
Caroline Islands.—Dispute between Germany
and Spain relating to
domination of, discussed, 67.
By treaty of February 12, 1899, these
islands, with the exception of
Guam, the largest of the Marianne which
had been ceded to the United
States in 1898, passed on October 1, 1899,
from Spain into the hands of
Germany. The purchase-price paid
by Germany was about $4,000,000. They
consist of about five hundred coral islets
which are small and sparsely
peopled. The most important product
and export is copra.
Census, discussed and recommendations regarding, by
McKinley, 86, 151.
Roosevelt, 350.
Referred to, 86, 151, 350.
Centennial Anniversary of Founding of Washington as
Capital to be
held in 1900, 46, 101, 153.
Central America, Greater Republic of, establishment of, discussed, 58.
Chile.—Population (1901), 3,128,095.
Boundary question with Argentine Republic,
Commission to settle claims of U.S. against,
discussed, 63.
China.—Area of China proper 1,353,350 square
with dependencies 4,234,910 square miles;
population 348,000,000;
of the whole Empire about 399,680,000.
American citizens in, protection for,
discussed, 63.
Boxer uprising in, discussed, 114, 352.
Commercial relations with, 63.
Commission to study conditions in, recommended,
Conditions in, discussed, 64.
Disturbances in, discussed, 115, 352.
Subjects of, in United States, outrages
committed on, discussed, 116.
Troops sent to protect, 116.
War with Japan; action taken by U.S. regarding,
Citizens of United States:
Interference with rights of naturalized
citizens of Australia, 122.
Property of, protected in South Africa,
Civil Service, discussed by President—
McKinley, 12, 37, 102, 152.
Roosevelt, 347, 403.
Colombia.—Population (1900), about 4,500,000.
Civil war in, discussed, and action of
U.S. regarding, 61, 123.
Claims of United States against, 61.
Colorado.—Population (1900), 539,700.
Active co-operation of commerce serves
in promoting foreign
commerce, 157.
Consular reports, 53, 78, 133, 157.
Discussed by President—
McKinley, 12, 56, 78, 132,
Roosevelt, 319.
Ecuador, 132.
Extension of, with foreign powers, referred
to, 29.
Merchant Marine, discussed by President—
McKinley, 56.
Roosevelt, 327.
Nicaragua, 132.
Reciprocal trade relations with foreign
countries, commission for, 29.
Santo Domingo, 132.
Trusts discussed, 11, 57, 319.
With foreign powers, China, 64.