Barbados Island.—Population (1902), 195,000.
Bates, Brigadier-General John C., transmitting his
in connection with the treaty
effected by him with the Sultan
of Sulu, 104.
Bavaria.—Population (1900), 6,176,057.
Bear, The:
Referred to, 48.
Belgium.—Population (1899), 6,693,810.
Convention with, for regulation slave
trade, 60.
Importations of American products to,
restrictions upon, discussed, 60.
Trade-marks, treaty with, regarding, 122.
Bering Sea Fisheries:
Claims against Russia, 72.
Questions with Great Britain regarding,
Bermudas.—Population (1900), 17,535.
Bertholf, Ellsworth P., thanks of Congress to, recommended, 50.
Biographical Sketches of President:
McKinley, 5.
Roosevelt, 313.
Boer War.—Attitude of the United States concerning, 68, 104, 126.
Bolivia, diplomatic relations with, 61.
Insurrection in, discussed, 61.
War between Chile, Peru, and, 61.
Boston, The, mentioned, 64.
Boxers.—A religious sect in China who were
largely responsible
for the disturbance in that country in
1900. On May 29, 1901, China
agreed to pay to the Powers, which are
Austria-Hungary, Belgium,
France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy,
Japan, The Netherlands, Russia,
and the United States, an indemnity amounting
to 450,000,000 taels
($300,000,000) for injuries inflicted
by the Boxers. This indemnity
is to constitute a gold debt re-payable
in thirty-nine annual
installments, due on Jan. 1st of each
year up to 1941; interest at 4
per cent to be payable half-yearly.
The securities for the debt are
the Imperial Maritime Customs, otherwise
unappropriated, increased
to five per cent ad valorem, the
Navy Customs, and the Salt
Tax otherwise unappropriated.
Brazil.—Boundary question with Bolivia
discussed, 123.
Relations with, 57.
Bremen.—Population (1900), 224,882.
British Colonies, commercial relations with, 78.
British Guiana.—Arbitration of, boundary
questions discussed, 77.
Tariff laws of, evidence of modification
of, proclaimed, 78.
Buffalo, Pan-American Exposition at, 79, 133.
In order to wipe out the deficit incurred
in this enterprise Congress
voted an appropriation for that purpose
amounting to $500,000.
Bulgaria.—Population (1900), 3,733,189.
Cabinet.—By a law which came into force
on January 19, 1886, in
case of removal, death, resignation or
inability of both the President
and Vice-President, the Secretary of State,
and after him in the order
of the establishment of their departments,
other members of the Cabinet
is removed, or a President elected.
On the death of a Vice-President
the duties of the office fall to the President
pro tempore of
the Senate, who receives the salary of
the Vice-President ($8,000.00.)