WHITE HOUSE, Washington, July 22, 1902.
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the act of Congress approved July 1, 1902, entitled “An act authorizing the President to reserve public lands and buildings in the Island of Puerto Rico for public uses, and granting other public lands and buildings to the government of Puerto Rico and for other purposes,” Miraflores Island in the Harbor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, is hereby reserved for use as a quarantine station or a site for a marine hospital or for both said purposes under the control of the Public Health and Marine Hospital service of the United States.
WHITE HOUSE, July 25, 1902.
It is hereby ordered under the provisions of section 4 of the act of Congress approved April 12, 1902, “To promote the efficiency of the Revenue Cutter Service,” that the Secretary of the Treasury shall “by direction of the President” when officers of the Revenue Cutter Service reach the age limit of 64 years, retire from them active service.
WHITE HOUSE, August 1, 1902.
From and after July 1, 1902, each enlisted man that has been rated Seaman Gunner prior to April 1, 1902, or that holds certificate of graduation from the Petty Officers’ Schools, Seaman Gunner Class, shall receive $2.00 per month in addition to the pay of his rating during current and subsequent enlistments.
WHITE HOUSE, August 9, 1902.
It is hereby ordered that the south half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of section 3, township 22 north, range 26 west, 6th principal meridian, Nebraska, be, and they are hereby, reserved and set apart for the use of the Department of Agriculture for purposes in connection with experimental tree planting.
* * * * *
Acheen or Atjeh.—Population, 531,705.
Adee, Alvey A.:
Acting Secretary of State, 169.
Repressing liquor trade in, suggestions
made by Belgium, 60, 122.
African Slave Trade:
International Congress at Brussels for
abolition of, 60.
Agricultural, Department of:
Discussed, 87, 152, 329.
Sugar-beet culture, 41, 53, 111, 152.