Taft Commission discussed, 156.
Tellefsen, Captain B., claim of, against United States, 40.
Tennessee.—Population in 1900 was 2,020,616.
Tewkesberry, Samuel, claim of, vetoed, 159.
Texas.—Population in 1900 was 3,048,710.
Thanks of Congress:
Tender of, recommended to—
Bertholf, Ellsworth P., 50.
Call, Dr. Samuel J., 50.
Jarvis, David H., 50.
Tuttle, Captain Francis, 50.
Tice, Isaac P., administrators of, act for relief of, vetoed, 41.
Trade-Marks, treaty regarding, with Belgium, 122.
Trusts, evils of monopolies discussed, recommendations
regarding, 11, 57.
Turkey.—American citizens, injuries inflicted
upon in, 76.
Armenian subjects of, referred to, 132.
Commercial relations with, 76, 132.
Naturalization, treaty with, discussed,
Tuttle, Captain Francis, thanks of Congress to, recommended, 50.
United States.—The total population in 1900 was 76,303,387.
Utah.—Population in 1900 was 276,749.
Venezuela.—Boundary dispute with Great
Britain regarding British
Guiana, arbitration of, discussed,
Claims of United States against, payment
of, 41.
Revolution in, discussed, 77.
Vice-Presidents of United States.—Five
Vice-Presidents have
succeeded to the Presidency by reason
of the death of the President;
viz: John Tyler, who succeeded William
Henry Harrison in 1841; Millard
Fillmore, who succeeded Zachary Taylor
in 1850; Andrew Johnson, who
succeeded Abraham Lincoln in 1865; Chester
A. Arthur, who succeeded
James A. Garfield in 1881, and Theodore
Roosevelt, who succeeded
William McKinley in 1901.
Virginia.—Population in 1900 was 1,854,184.
Walker, John G.—Chairman of Nicaraguan Canal Commission, 63.
Washington.—Population in 1900 was 518,103.
Washington, George.—Centennial anniversary
of death of,
December 14, 1899, referred to by President
McKinley, 103.
Washington City.—Centennial anniversary
of founding of,
for capital, held in 1900,
discussed, 101, 153.
Memorial Bridge across the Potomac, appropriation
recommended for, 101.
Whaling fleet relieved by “Bear” under Captain Francis Tuttle, 48.
White, Andrew D., Peace commissioner at the Hague, 80.
Wisconsin.—Population in 1900 was 2,069,042.
Worcester, Dean C., member of Commission, Philippine Islands, 90.
Wyoming.—Population in 1900 was 92,531.