We leave hearts dear—the coast
we clear
For the ocean’s wide
A submarine on the ocean seen
Will have but little chance.
The cause is just—yet more
we trust—
For the Honor debt we owe
Can ne’er be paid. ’Twas
the timely aid
Of the Frenchman long ago.
For Lafayette is with us yet,
Still held in memory dear.
Our hearts now burn to give return,
While his name we all revere.
Oh! we’re off to France—we
want a chance
At the ecstatic thrill
Of being there to have a share
In the funeral of “Kaiser
The orders are, “Prepare to hike!”
So pack your war bag. Hit the pike.
Throw back your shoulders—keep
the step,
For this is where we get the pep.
“Prepare to hike,” the orders
And don’t you dare to ask how far.
We’ll get what’s coming, don’t
you see?
So what’s the odds to you and me?
Prepare to hike! Roll up your kit.
Strap on equipment. Hit the Grit
Your corns will ripen on the road,—
Just pare them down when taps are “blowed.”
We’re billed to hike—the
bugles blow.
“’Tis column right”
and off you go.
Civilians watch as we pass by—
We watch the girlies wink the eye.
Prepardness is the slogan now,
And rumor says there’ll be a row—
A real one on the Western Front.
We’re drilling for this special
Prepare to hike! Get in the game.
Your feet get sore, but don’t go
Just set your jaws, with stiffened lip,
And hold the lines with sand and “zip.”
War may be “Hell.” So
let it be.
Yet, must be fought, if liberty
Is still to reign upon her throne,—
Else all is lost. The best is gone.
Prepare to hike! Once more I say.
Round out your muscles for the fray.
Life’s not worth living any more,
Should Teuton force invade our shore.
A-B-C-of army life
A is the army,
With its shot, and its shell,
B is the battle
That makes the War, Hell.
C is the cavalry,
Dashing and Bold,
D is the “Doughboy,”
Whom the trenches must hold;
E, engineer,
Who lays out the plot,
F the “First aid,”
With stretcher and cot;
G is the “Guard,”
Our “Border-Patrol”—
H is Headquarters,
The high-ranking role.
I is the infantry,
That’s hot on the Hike,
J is jaw-bone,
Oh, “Pay-as-you-like”;
K is the Kitchen,
Where they turn out the “stew,”
L is lance-corporal.
Who ranks just a few;
M is the mess,