A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 13 pages of information about A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo.

A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 13 pages of information about A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo.


Table d’hote at separate tables, &c., &c., and all conducted according to the most modern systems of comfort and elegance.

Although the present proprietors, Messrs. Genovesi, Campi, Bozzi & Co., have spent a veritable fortune this year in restorations and embellishments, so as to render the Hotel Royal Danieli the most comfortable, the most artistic and the most aristocratic hotel in Europe, yet they have in nothing augmented the prices, but have retained those moderate rates which have helped to render the Hotel Danieli so famous.

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Nota bene—­The ancient Palazzo Dandolo, now Hotel Royal Danieli, and all its internal arrangements, deserves a special visit from travelers who are sojourning in Venice, and the proprietors will be most happy to show the palace to all interested in the sights of Venice, whether they are resident in the hotel or not.


Project Gutenberg
A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.