Literary Taste: How to Form It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 93 pages of information about Literary Taste.

Literary Taste: How to Form It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 93 pages of information about Literary Taste.

  Samuel Butler, Erewhon:  Fifield’s
      Edition 0 2 6

  Laurence Oliphant, Altiora Peto 0 3 6

  Margaret Oliphant, Salem Chapel:  Everyman’s
      Library 0 1 0

  Richard Jefferies, Story of My Heart 0 2 0

  Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland:  Macmillan’s
      Cheap Edition 0 1 0

John Henry Shorthouse, John Inglesant
Macmillan’s Pocket Classics 0 2 0

R.L.  Stevenson, Master of Ballantrae,
Virginibus Puerisque
:  Pocket Edition
(2 vols.) 0 4 0

George Gissing, The Odd Women:  Popular
Edition (bound) 0 0 7
L5 0 1

Names such as those of Charlotte Yonge and Dinah Craik are omitted intentionally.


William Hazlitt, Spirit of the Age:  World’s
Classics 0 1 0

  William Hazlitt, English Poets and Comic
:  Bohn’s Library 0 3 6

  Francis Jeffrey, Essays from Edinburgh
:  New Universal Library 0 1 0

  Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an
      English Opium-eater
, etc.:  Scott
      Library 0 1 0

  Sydney Smith, Selected Papers:  Scott
      Library 0 1 0

  George Finlay, Byzantine Empire
      Everyman’s Library 0 1 0

  John G. Lockhart, Life of Scott:  Everyman’s
      Library 0 1 0

  Agnes Strickland, Life of Queen Elizabeth
      Everyman’s Library 0 1 0

  Hugh Miller, Old Red Sandstone:  Everyman’s
      Library 0 1 0

  J.H.  Newman, Apologia pro vita sua
      New Universal Library 0 1 0

  Lord Macaulay, History of England, (3),
      Essays (2):  Everyman’s Library (5 vols.) 0 5 0

  A.P.  Stanley, Memorials of Canterbury
      Everyman’s Library 0 1 0

  THOMAS CARLYLE, French Revolution (2),
      Cromwell (3), Sartor Resartus and
      Heroes and Hero-Worship
(1):  Everyman’s
      Library (6 vols.) 0 6 0

  THOMAS CARLYLE, Latter-day Pamphlets
      Chapman and Hall’s Edition 0 1 0

Project Gutenberg
Literary Taste: How to Form It from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.