The Jericho Road eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about The Jericho Road.

The Jericho Road eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 167 pages of information about The Jericho Road.

“And so our order moves forward to greater conquests.  In the past it has worked marvels for humanity.  May we not, for the future, predict better and more highly wrought out achievements?  Humanity has been taken as it is and in the progress of refinement has been raised to a higher standard.  It is the hand-maiden of civilization that works under even yoke for the best sides of humanity.  While it does not displace or attempt to displace the church, it aids.  It has friendship, love and truth as the three human graces, and clings to faith, hope and charity as the Christian virtues.  It is now like the city that is set upon the hill.  It can not be hid.  Out upon a rocky point of the ocean’s shore at Minot’s ledge is a great light-house, erected by the fostering care of the government to protect the mariners on the high seas.  Its great light swings around, now flashing on the land and now sending its rays far out across the billowy ocean.  It is a grateful act of a great government.  Many a bewildered seaman has caught its rays and sheared the prow of his ship further out to sea to avoid the dangerous shoals.

“So we, imitating the kind of example of the generous government, and measuring our acts by the example of the blessed Master, have erected a light-house here for the protection of humanity from its ills.  Now it shines on us as mortals hastening to a final consummation of things; again it throws its beams out across the illimitable sea of hope, where sooner or later we all may ride, and by the light here given we may steer our bark into a haven of final rest.  Today we are on the tempestuous ocean of life.  We who feel that we are on the deck, let us throw the life-line and the life-preservers to him who is about to sink.  Let us make this order even a greater light-house than our fathers ever dreamed of.  It can be done, because it is so ordained.  What God in his good providence orders can be, will be accomplished.  With thankful hearts we have passed over more than three quarters of a century of existence as an organization.  We are speeding onward to the century mark, and whether we remain to see its wonderful processes or not, humanity will be here demanding just what we have done in the past.  Let us lay the work strong today and transmit it in higher forms, so that the end of the century of our existence as an order shall see better life, better hope and higher aspirations.  Let the Subordinates, Patriarchs, Rebekahs and Chevaliers all form a cordon around the altar of our beloved order, where the fires shall never be extinguished while friendship, love and truth endures, and faith, hope and charity are necessities.

Project Gutenberg
The Jericho Road from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.