If we waited until it was perfectly convenient, half of the good actions of life would never be accomplished, and very few of its successes.
A helping word to one in trouble is often like a switch on a railroad track, but one inch between wreck and smooth rolling prosperity.
Prayer is the key of day and lock of the night; and we should every day begin and end, bid ourselves good morrow and good night, with prayer.
In order to love mankind, expect but little from them; in order to view their faults without bitterness, pardon them. The wisest men have always been the most indulgent.
There are souls which fall from heaven like flowers, but ere the pure and fresh buds can open they are trodden in the dust of the earth, and lie soiled and crushed under the foul tread of some brutal hoof.
Many of the men we calmly set down as failures may have been doing as much as those who have made ten times as much noise in the world. A great deal of the best work in the world is anonymous, if we do not confine the term to writing.
To a man of brave sentiments midnight is as bright as noonday, for the illumination is within.
That man who lives in vain lives worse than vain. He who lives to no purpose lives to a bad purpose.—Nevins.
Labor is the law of the world, and he who lives by other men’s means is of less value to the world than the buzzing, busy insect.
Deep is the sea, and deep is hell, but pride runneth deeper; it is coiled as a poisonous worm about the foundation of the soul.—Tupper.
The integrity of the heart, when it is strengthened by reason, is the principal source of justice and wit; an honest man thinks nearly always justly.
Be firm, but be not too hasty to decide; weigh well before you act, but, having weighed, act promptly, and abide the result. This is the test of judgment.
Wit loses its respect with the good when seen in company with malice; and to smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another’s breast is to become a principal in the mischief.
Success never did, never will come to that young man who knows everything—in his own opinion.
In love, as in everything else, truth is the strongest of all things, and frankness is but another name for truth.
Frequent disappointment teaches us to mistrust our own inclination, and shrink even from vows our hearts may prompt.
For children there is no leave-taking, for they acknowledge no past, only the present, that to them is full of the future.
To love, in order to be loved in return, is man, but to love for the pure sake of loving, is almost the characteristic of an angel.
Fond as a man is of sight-seeing, life is the great show for every man—the show always wonderful and new to the thoughtful.
The sweetest book in all the world, if properly read, is the Bible. Its leaves are as fragrant as a bed of violets in full bloom.