International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 8, August 19, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 113 pages of information about International Weekly Miscellany.

International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 8, August 19, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 113 pages of information about International Weekly Miscellany.
was one of the most vainglorious, selfish and malignant of his tribe.  He, indeed, betrayed himself broadly, but surviving writers, who knew intimately his private life—­such as St. Beuve—­have disclosed more of his habitual libertinism.  The Radical journals, and some of the Legitimists, turn to account the portraits left in these memoirs of Louis Philippe, Thiers, Guizot, and other statesmen of the Orleans monarchy.  They are effusions of personal and political spite.  Chateaubriand hated the whole Orleans dynasty, and has not spared the elder Bourbons.

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GUIZOT has been for thirty years in political life, many of them a minister, and was long at the head of the government of Louis Philippe, but is now a poor man.  Recently, on the marriage of his two daughters with two brothers De Witt, the descendants of the great Hollander, he was unable to give them a cent in the way of marriage portions.  This fact proves the personal integrity of the man more than a score of arguments.  Not only has the native honesty of his character forbidden him to take advantage of his eminent position to gain a fortune, but the indomitable pride which is his leading characteristic, has never stooped to the attractions of public plunder or the fruits of official speculation.  Guizot is not up to the times, and hence his downfall, but future historians will do justice alike to his great talents and the uprightness of his intentions.

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One of the best works yet produced on the History of Art, is by Schnaase, of Duesseldorf.  The first three volumes have been published and translated into French and English, and have met with great success in both those languages.  The fourth volume is just announced in Germany.  Artists and other competent persons at Duesseldorf who have seen the proof-sheets, speak in the highest terms not only of its historical merits, but of the excellence of its criticisms.

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The fifth volume of the History of Spain, by Rousseau St. Hilaire, includes the period from 1336 to 1649.  The professor has been employed ten years on his enterprise; he is lauded by all the critics for his research, method, and style.  We have recently spoken of this work at some length in The International.  The PARIS ACADEMY OF INSCRIPTIONS and Belles Lettres is constantly sending forth the most valuable contributions; to the history of the middle ages especially.  It is now completing the publication of the sixth volume of the Charters, Diplomas, and other documents relating to French History.  This volume, which was prepared by M. Pardessus, includes the period from the beginning of 1220 to the end of 1270, and comprehends the reign of St. Louis.  The seventh volume, coming down some fifty years later, is also nearly ready for the printer.  Its editor is M. Laboulaye.  The first volume of the Oriental

Project Gutenberg
International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 8, August 19, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.