[Footnote 825: Lyons Papers. Hammond to Lyons, Nov. 15, 1862.]
[Footnote 826: The Times, Nov. 15, 1862.]
[Footnote 827: The Herald, Nov. 14, 1862. This paper was listed by Hotze of The Index, as on his “pay roll.” Someone evidently was trying to earn his salary.]
[Footnote 828: Nov. 15, 1862. It is difficult to reconcile Russell’s editorials either with his later protestations of early conviction that the North would win or with the belief expressed by Americans that he was constantly pro-Northern in sentiment, e.g., Henry Adams, in A Cycle of Adams’ Letters, I, 14l.]
[Footnote 829: The Index, Nov. 20, 1862, p. 56.]
[Footnote 830: Ibid., Jan. 15, 1863, p. 191.]
[Footnote 831: Ibid., Jan. 22, 1863, p. 201.]
[Footnote 832: Ibid., May 28, 1863, p. 72.]
[Footnote 833: Mason Papers. To Mason, Nov. 28, 1862.]
[Footnote 834: Pickett Papers. Slidell to Benjamin, Nov. 29, 1862. This despatch is not in Richardson, Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, and illustrates the gaps in that publication.]
[Footnote 835: Rhodes, IV, 347. Bright to Sumner, Dec. 6, 1862.]
[Footnote 836: Goldwin Smith told of this plan in 1904, in a speech at a banquet in Ottawa. He had destroyed Gladstone’s letter outlining it. The Ottawa Sun, Nov. 16, 1904.]
[Footnote 837: Almost immediately after Lyons’ return to Washington, Stoeckl learned from him, and from Mercier, also, that England and France planned to offer mediation and that if this were refused the South would be recognized. Stoeckl commented to the Foreign Office: “What good will this do?” It would not procure cotton unless the ports were forced open and a clear rupture made with the North. He thought England understood this, and still hesitated. Stoeckl went on to urge that if all European Powers joined England and France they would be merely tails to the kite and that Russia would be one of the tails. This would weaken the Russian position in Europe as well as forfeit her special relationship with the United States. He was against any joint European action. (Russian Archives, Stoeckl to F.O., Nov. 5-17, 1862, No. 2002.) Gortchakoff wrote on the margin of this despatch: “Je trouve son opinion tres sage.” If Stoeckl understood Lyons correctly then the latter had left England still believing that his arguments with Russell had been of no effect. When the news reached Washington of England’s refusal of the French offer, Stoeckl reported Lyons as much surprised (Ibid., to F.O., Nov. 19-Dec. 1, 1862, No. 2170).]