moment, and hesitancy came over pro-Southern friends.
Slidell, in despair, declared that for his part he
intended, no matter with what prospect of success,
demand recognition from France[649].
This alarmed Mason’s English advisers, and he
wrote at once strongly urging against such a step,
for if the demand were presented and refused there
would be no recourse but to depart for home[650].
He thought Lindsay’s motion dying away for on
consultation with “different parties, including
Disraeli, Seymour Fitzgerald and Roebuck,” it
“has been so far reduced and diluted ... as
to make it only expressive of the opinion of the House
that the present posture of affairs in America made
the question of the recognition of the Confederate
States worth the serious consideration of the Government.
It was so modified to prevent the Ministry making
an issue upon it....” There was “no
assurance that it would be sustained ... even in that
form.” Lindsay had determined to postpone
his motion “for a fortnight, so that all expectation
from this quarter for the present is dished, and we
must wait for ‘King Cotton’ to turn the
screw still further[651].” On June, 20 Lindsay
gave this notice of postponement, and no parliamentary
comment was made[652]. It was a moment of extreme
depression for the Confederate agents in Europe.
Slidell, yielding to Mason’s pleas, gave up his
idea of demanding recognition and wrote:
“The position of our representatives
in Europe is painful and almost humiliating;
it might be tolerated if they could be consoled
by the reflection that their presence was in any way
advantageous to their cause but I am disposed
to believe that we would have done better to
withdraw after our first interview with Russell
and Thouvenel[653].”
a photograph by Elliott & Fry, Ltd.)]
[Footnote 580: U.S. Messages and Documents,
1862-63, Pt. I, p. 41.]
[Footnote 581: F.O., Am., Vol. 826. Nos.
154 and 155. March 3, 1862.]
[Footnote 582: F.O., France, Vol. 1435.
No. 362. Cowley to Russell, March 18, 1862.]
[Footnote 583: U.S. Messages and Documents,
1862-63, Pt. I, p. 54. Adams to Seward,
March 27, 1862.]
[Footnote 584: Ibid., p. 65.]
[Footnote 585: Russell Papers. Lyons to
Russell. Private. April 8, 1862.]
[Footnote 586: Ibid.]
[Footnote 587: A Cycle of Adams’ Letters,
I, 123. To his son, April 4, 1862.]
[Footnote 588: Palmerston MS. Russell to Palmerston,
March 31, 1862.]
[Footnote 589: Lyons Papers. March 22, 1862.]
[Footnote 590: F.O., Am., Vol. 827. No.
244. Extract. Lyons to Russell, April 11,
[Footnote 591: A Cycle of Adams’ Letters,
I, 143. Adams to his son, May 16, 1862.]