your teeth? All this, I say, is abiding you who
will not embrace Jesus Christ, whatever your profession
be. For, believe me, a profession will not save
you from this eternal misery, if ye receive not Jesus
Christ. Whatever your sufferings be here, yet
ye shall suffer this hereafter, if ye receive not Jesus
Christ. My heart bleeds for many sufferers in
Scotland, who shall suffer everlasting torment in
hell, because they will not receive and embrace Jesus
Christ, this gracious and free Saviour, who is now
in your offer. Oh, embrace Jesus Christ, otherwise,
be ye who ye will, and do what ye will, God’s
justice shall pursue you, and He shall have war against
you without cessation: there shall be no discharge
in that war. The great warriors of the earth
are all lying with their weapons broken under their
heads; but here is a war that hath no end. You
who will not receive Jesus Christ, you will see that
ye have made an evil choice, when ye pass through
the dark gates of hell, to the inner chambers thereof.
To move you, further consider, that if ye will take
Him, ye shall have Him and all His. Ye shall
drink of the waters of life; your feet shall stand
on the sea of glass before the throne. Ye shall
have His name, and bear His image, and wear a crown
of pure gold upon your heads, and follow the Lamb
with palms in your hands, saying, ‘Hallelujah!
and glory, and honour and power, unto the Lord our
God.’ Ye shall have the fine white linen
garments of Christ’s righteousness, to wear
in heaven, in clothing eternally. Ye shall have
the glorious cloud of witnesses—angels
and the spirits of just men made perfect, for your
continual company; and ye shall have a life of love
and joy everlasting, with Him that is altogether lovely.
Oh, then, come and take Jesus Christ. Would ye
make a happy choice? Then take Him and embrace
Him, old and young, man and woman, lad and lass.
Now Christ is in your offer; and you are all invited
to come to Him. And now I charge you all, as ye
respect the glory of God, and as ye desire this happy
condition that I have spoken of to you, slight not
this offer. Now the golden chain of salvation
is let down to you. Grip, grip it fast, before
it is taken up again. Go not away fools, lest
ye never be at such a market-day again. “What
shall I say to persuade you? Let the excellency
and glory of His great name do it. Be entreated
to accept of Christ in this present offer. Here
I obtest you, by what He hath purchased for sinners,
and by what He has suffered, come and embrace Him.
I obtest you by the blood He shed on the cross; I
obtest you by the great drops of blood He shed in
the garden, and by all the joys that are above the
clouds in heaven, that ye put not this offer away.
I obtest you, by all the torments of hell, that ye
put not this offer away. I obtest you by the glory
of heaven, and by the crowns which believers put on
His head, that ye slight not this offer.