Every Step in Canning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Every Step in Canning.

Every Step in Canning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Every Step in Canning.
| | | | RASPBERRIES, | All | Prepare as |Just enough | 1 cupful of BLACKBERRIES,| excellent | other | water to | sugar to 1 BARBERRIES, | for jelly | fruits. | keep from | cupful of GRAPES, BEACH| making. | | burning. | juice.  PLUMS. | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------



Canned meat adds variety to the diet in the winter-time and makes a pleasant change from the cured and smoked meats.  You put meat into jars in the raw state and extend the sterilizing period or you can cook the meat partially or completely and then sterilize for a shorter period of time.  Of course a reliable method of canning meat must be used, such as the cold-pack process, where the sterilizing is done in the tin or jar in either boiling water or steam under pressure.  We usually recommend the partial cooking, roasting or boiling of the meat before canning especially for beginners.  If you are a beginner in the business of cold-pack canning then by all means cook the meat before putting it in cans.  If you have canned peas, beans and corn successfully for years then you are ready for all kinds of raw meat canning.

To save criticism of the cold-pack method of canning meat and to guard against any danger from eating poorly prepared and improperly sterilized meat we do not urge beginners to experiment with meat, although the meat can be safely canned by any one whether new at the canning game or a veteran in it if directions are carefully followed.  But it is the big “If” that we have to watch.

Many farmers and farmerettes are canning meats of all kinds all over the country and there is never a can lost.  We need more meat canning done at home and you can do it if you will practice cleanliness in all your work and follow directions.

The fear of getting botulinus bacteria from eating canned meat is just a “bug-a-boo.”  It should be clearly understood that botulism is one of the very rare maladies.  The chances for getting it by eating canned goods, say the experts, is rather less than the chances from dying of lockjaw every time you scratch your finger.  To regard every can as a source of botulism is worse than regarding every dog as a source of hydrophobia.  Moreover, for the very timid, there is the comforting certainty that the exceedingly slight danger is completely eliminated by re-cooking the canned food for a short time before eating it.

There are always a few cases of illness traceable to bad food, not only to canned food but to spoiled meats, fish, bad milk, oysters and a number of things.  There are also cases of injury and death by street accidents, but we do not for that reason stop using the streets.  If you put good meat into the can and do your canning right then you will have good results.  Never put into a can meat that is about ready to spoil, thinking thereby to “save it.”

Project Gutenberg
Every Step in Canning from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.