Every Step in Canning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Every Step in Canning.

Every Step in Canning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Every Step in Canning.
surface, then | | | | | | |
blanch | | | | | | |

                                      | | | | | | |

lemons, whole | 11/2 | 12 | 12 | 8 | 6 | 4 |Add boiling
Remove skins and | | | | | | |thin sirup
white fiber or | | | | | | |
surface, then | | | | | | |
blanch | | | | | | |

                                      | | | | | | |

grapefruit, whole | 11/2 | 12 | 12 | 8 | 6 | 4 |Add boiling
Remove skins and | | | | | | |thin sirup
white fiber or | | | | | | |
surface, then | | | | | | |
blanch | | | | | | |

                                      | | | | | | |

orange and other | None | 10 | 10 | 6 | 5 | 4 |Use thin sirup
citrus fruits, | | | | | | |
sliced Slice with a| | | | | | |
sharp knife | | | | | | |

                                      | | | | | | |

fruits canned in | 30 | 30 | 20 | 12 | 10 | |
water without sugar| | | | | | |
sirup | | | | | | |

                                      | | | | | | |


Note.—­When cooking products in pint or half-pint jars deduct three or four minutes from the time given above.  When cooking in two-quart jars add 3 or 4 minutes to time.  The estimates given are for quart jars.



It is practical to can all vegetables, even such difficult ones as corn, peas and beans, by the cold-pack method of canning without using any preservatives, if you will follow all directions, instructions and the time-table accurately.  Vegetable canning is a little more complicated than fruit canning.


Every one likes canned tomatoes.  In many homes more tomatoes are canned than any other product.  The housewife uses them for soups, for sauces and for seasoning many meat dishes.  Some women say:  “I can preserve everything but tomatoes.  They always spoil.  What do I do wrong?” If the following directions are followed tomatoes will not spoil.

Tomatoes really are the easiest vegetable to can, because the period of sterilization is short, and many jars may be canned in a day, or if one is very busy a few jars may be canned daily without the expenditure of a great deal of time.

Project Gutenberg
Every Step in Canning from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.