| |position with the sand even with the tops.
| | |75 to 100 roots.
| | | |Is injured by too much freezing and thawing,
| | | |so should remain frozen.
| | | |
|Can be stored just as salsify or be allowed to remain in the
|ground until wanted.
| |Those that are to be stored in the cellar can remain in
| |in the garden until the weather is quite cool, then
| |prepare and store like salsify.
| | |1 bushel in the cellar and one in the garden.
| | | |Parsnips are best kept frozen or fresh in the
| | | |cellar as too much freezing and thawing
| | | |destroys them.
| | | |
|Must be stored where temperature is low or sprouting will
|result. Moderate freezing does no harm while in the storage
|pit but they must not be disturbed while frozen.
| |Pull; cut tops off and store in sand in cellars or
| |caves, or in pits, or in tightly covered boxes or
| |crocks.
| | |1 to 3 bus.
| | | |The object is to keep them cold and prevent
| | | |evaporation. It is a good plan to store a
| | | |portion in the cellar so as to be available
| | | |during the time that those buried in the pit
| | | |are “frozen in” and not so easily accessible.
| | | |
|Require a cool dry place. Attic excellent.
| |Before storing, cure them by exposing to the air for a
| |few days in the shade. Dryness is absolutely essential.
| |A well cured onion should be firm and not readily dented
| |at the base of the tops by the tip of the thumb when
| |held in the hand.
| | |3 bushels.
| | | |Onions are best for storage if topped about 11/2
| | | |inches long.
| | | |
|Planted in shallow boxes of soil in light place in the
| |Must not be too mature.
| | |Store as many as possible.
| | | |If kept well watered they will mature for
| | | |winter use.
| | | |
Brussels Sprouts
|Planted in soil in cellar.
| |Must not be too mature.
| | |According to family tastes.
| | | |Keep watered and will mature.
| | | |
Ground Cherries or Husk Tomatoes
|May be stored for some weeks in the husk in their layers in a
|dry place free from frost.
Kohl-rabi, Winter Radishes, Rutabagas
|Best stored in sand in cellars, cares or pits.
| |Must be kept cold to prevent evaporation.
| | |According to the family tastes.
| | | |Kohl-rabi must be tender when stored.
| | | |
|May be kept in the ground where grown all winter. Must be
|kept frozen as thawing injures it.
|Best kept on shelves in a very dry place. Can be kept on
|shelves in furnace room.
| |Must be ripened and cured and free from bruises.
| | |5 ordinary sized pumpkins.
| | | |Need not be kept especially cold.
| | | |
|Susceptible to cold and moisture, so store in a dry place