Rosa Mundi and Other Stories eBook

Ethel May Dell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Rosa Mundi and Other Stories.

Rosa Mundi and Other Stories eBook

Ethel May Dell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Rosa Mundi and Other Stories.

The man’s face was curiously softened; he looked as if he desired to dry those tears himself.

Without looking up she continued.  “The mother died—­very, very soon.  Life is like that.  Often one pays—­in vain.  There is no bargaining with death.  But at least she never knew.  That was Rosa Mundi’s only comfort.  There was no turning back for her then.  And she was so desolate, so lonely, nothing seemed to matter.

“She went from triumph to triumph.  She carried all before her.  He took her to New York, and she conquered there.  They strewed her path with roses.  They almost worshipped her.  She tried to think she was happy, but she was not—­even then.  They came around her in crowds.  They made love to her.  She was young, and their homage was like a coloured ball to her.  She tossed it to and fro, and played with it.  But she made game of it all.  They were nothing to her—­nothing, till one day there came to her a boy—­no, he was past his boyhood—­a young man—­rich, well-born, and honourable.  And he—­he loved her, and offered her—­marriage.  No one had ever offered her that before.  Can you realize—­but no, you are a man!—­what it meant to her?  It meant shelter and peace and freedom.  It meant honour and kindness, and the chance to be good.  Perhaps you think she would not care for that.  But you do not know her.  Rosa Mundi was meant to be good.  She hungered for goodness.  She was tired—­so tired of the gaudy vanities of life, so—­so—­what is the word—­so nauseated with the cheap and the bad.  Are you sorry for her, I wonder?  Can you picture her, longing—­oh, longing—­for what she calls respectability?  And then—­this chance, this offer of deliverance!  It meant giving up her career, of course.  It meant changing her whole life.  It meant sacrifice—­the sort of sacrifice that you ought to be able to understand—­for she loved her dancing and her triumphs, just as you love your public—­the people who read your books and love you for their sake.  That is different, isn’t it, from the people who follow you about and want to stare at you just because you are prosperous and popular?  The people who really appreciate your art—­those are the people you would not disappoint for all the world.  They make up a vast friendship that is very precious, and it would be a sacrifice—­a big—­sacrifice—­to give it up.  That is the sort of sacrifice that marriage meant to Rosa Mundi.  And though she wanted marriage—­and she wanted to be good—­she hesitated.”

There was a little pause.  Randal Courteney was no longer dissembling his interest.  He had laid his pipe aside, and was watching with unvarying intentness the downcast childish face.  He asked no questions.  There was something in the low-spoken words that held him silent.  Perhaps he feared to probe too deep.

In a few moments she went on, gathering up a little handful of the shining shingle, and slowly sifting it through her fingers as though in search of something precious.

Project Gutenberg
Rosa Mundi and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.