Wulfric the Weapon Thane eBook

Charles Whistler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about Wulfric the Weapon Thane.

Wulfric the Weapon Thane eBook

Charles Whistler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about Wulfric the Weapon Thane.

“What is it?” I said.  “Is the war to be here once more?”

“The war is no nearer than Ashdown Heath; but it seems that the Wessex men have found a leader.”

Then he told me of the long fighting round Reading, and how at last Halfden had cut his way through Wessex and joined forces with Guthrum after many victories.  But that then Ethelred and Alfred the Atheling had made a great effort, winning a mighty victory on Ashdown Heath, slaying Bagsac the king and both the Sidracs, Harald and Osbern the jarls, Frene, and many more with them.  Nine battles had they fought that year and last.

“How hear you of this?” I said.

“There has come a messenger from Guthrum with the news, and even now the Danes march in all haste from the towns to fill up the gaps in the ranks of the host, and he says that ships must go back to Jutland to Ingvar for more men from overseas.”

Now this news was nothing to us East Anglians for the most part, and to me it was but a turn of the fight between Dane and Saxon for the overlordship of all England.  That was not a matter to be settled by one or two victories on either side, nor might one see how it would end.  Yet I was glad, for of all things I feared that Ingvar might be our master in the end, and this seemed to say that it was none so certain.

More men came in after that, hastening the going to the front of those who would, for not all the Danes among us would stir from their new homes, saying that they had done their part, and knowing that what they left others might take.

And in ten days’ time Cyneward came to me saying that there were two longships coming in from the open sea.

“Let the pilots go out to them,” I said; for it was of no use withholding this help from the Danish ships, little as we liked to see them come.  So I forgot the matter.

Then again Cyneward ran to me in haste, and with his eyes shining.

“Master, here is Halfden’s ship.  Come and see!”

Gladly I went out then, and when I saw those two ships my heart leapt up with joy, for it was indeed my own ship that was leading, and I thought that Halfden would be in her.

So soon as she was in the river she made for our wharf, and that was not the wont of the Danes, who mostly went on past us up the river to where the great towns were.  And at once when she was alongside I went on board, and at sight of me half her crew came crowding round me, shouting and shaking my hand; for they were our old crew, the same who had fought beside me and had backed me at the Ve.  There, too, was Thormod, grim as ever, but welcoming me most gladly.  But Halfden was not there.

“What is this, Thormod?” I said, when I had him up to the house, and the men were eating in the great hall.  “Why are you not with Halfden?”

“Have you heard no news?” he asked.

“Only a few days ago I heard of the business at Ashdown.”

Project Gutenberg
Wulfric the Weapon Thane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.