Mr. Raikes’s remarks on the evil effects of
caste. Thinks that it
is the cause of infanticide.
Instance to show that infanticide can exist amongst
people free
from caste. Polyandrous
habits not necessarily a cause of
Summary of principal conclusions arrived at.
Curious customs of the Marasa Wokul tribe in Mysore.
The effect of caste on the transmission of acquired aptitudes.
Description and the history of Coorg.
Conquered and annexed by us in 1834. My first
visit to Coorg in
1857. The pioneer planters.
Planting without shade caused the failure of many
of the
After shade was introduced coffee flourished.
European and native plantations. Their number
and the probable
yield from them. Expenditure
per acre.
The kinds of manure used. Experiments by an analytical chemist.
Proportions of manure varied according to the condition
of the
coffee. The time in which
manure should be applied. Applications
of burnt earth.
Widespread results arising from the expenditure on
plantations in
Rates of wages, and system of procuring labourers.
Leaf disease
and Borer.
Remedies experimented on as regards leaf disease and Borer.
Primary cause of the existence of so much Borer.
The terms on
which Government lands are
sold for planting.
Reasons why certain of the reserved State forests
should be given
out for planting.
Cinchona and Ceara rubber planting tried and abandoned.
seed introduced from Brazil,
and other countries, without any
apparent advantage. Liberian
coffee tried experimentally.
The capital spent on labour and the consequential
results of this
on agriculture. My visit
to Coorg in 1891.
The route from Mysore. The coffee works at Hunsur.
adventure with a panther.
To Mr. Rose’s estate near Polibetta. Description
of Bamboo
Life in the Bamboo district. The club, church,
and co-operative
Visits to plantations. Left for Mercara.
The Retreat. Mr. Meynell’s house. Its kitchen arrangements, etc.
Mr. Mann’s coffee garden at Mercara. The
large profits from it.
To the Hallery estate six
miles from Mercara.
Visits to several estates. To the Coovercolley
estate. Mr.
Left Coovercolley for Manjarabad in Mysore.
General observations on coffee planting in Coorg.
Its flourishing
condition. More attention
should be paid to shade.
Defects as regards shade. More attention to it
would lessen