The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 291 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 291 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55.

CatanduanesThomas Dato; Rodrigo Sarfate; Juan de Yepes; Anton Sanchez—­The island of Catanduanes has three thousand tributarios, and more than fully pays its listed tribute.  It has more than fifteen thousand souls, and belongs to four encomenderos:  Thomas Dato, Rodrigo Sarfate, Juan de Yepes, and Anton Sanchez.  The five scattered settlements might be reduced to two.  With four more ministers it could be instructed.  Caceres administers its justice, by visitation from Caceres.  However, it will require a deputy, who should generally live there. ...  MMM.

Thus the province of Vicor y Camarines, with the island of Catanduanes, has twenty-one thousand six hundred and sixty whole tributes, or eighty-six thousand six hundred and forty souls.  For its entire instruction it has at present fifteen ministers.  According to the allotment of the land, thirty-two more ministers are necessary, so that it may have sufficient instruction.  In all it needs fifty-three, if there are sufficient.  All the province has justice, which is administered from Caceres.

MasbateMoral—­The encomienda of Masbate is an island belonging to Francisco de Moral.  It has about four hundred tributes, or one thousand six hundred souls.  The people are peaceable.  It has justice administered from Caceres.  It has no instruction, and needs one minister. ...  CCCC.

BuriasCaptain Brizeno—­This encomienda of Burias is another island, and belongs to Captain Brizeno.  He collects there four hundred tributes.  It has justice, but no instruction, and will need one minister. ...  CCCC.


Zebu—­In the island of Zebu is the capital city, Sanctissimo Nombre de Jesus, with more than thirty Spanish citizens, with its alcalde-mayor and magistracy.  It has one ecclesiastic, who acts as vicar of the Spaniards.

LeiteOseguera—­The encomienda of Leyte belongs to Don Pedro de Oseguera.  He collects there six hundred and twenty-six tributes, which means one thousand and five hundred and four persons.  It has justice; and that it may have instruction, needs one minister. ...  DCXXVI.

Gonpot y CagayanKing—­This encomienda of Gonpot y Cagayan belongs to his Majesty.  He collects there seventy tributes.  It has neither instruction nor justice, but needs them. ...  LXX.

ButuanDona Lucia—­Dona Lucia de Loarca owns the encomienda of the river of Butuan.  She collects there one thousand two hundred tributes.  It has justice, but no instruction.  Two religious are necessary to take care of it, for it has four thousand and eight hundred persons. ...  MCC.

ZampojarCaravajal—­Diego de Caravajal collects along this river of Sampojar, fifty-eight tributes.  They are not well pacified, and have neither instruction nor justice, both of which they need. ...  LVIII.

CaragaJuan Gutierrezdel Real; Francisco de Sancta Cruz—­Juan Gutierrez del Real and Francisco de Sancta Cruz collect eight hundred and ninety-two tributes in Caraga.  This represents three thousand five hundred and sixty-eight persons.  They have no instruction, and are not pacified; but when that shall be effected, it will need two ministers. ...  DCCCXCII.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.