“Mother, it’s a shame that you missed it!” Marta called. “Why, there are so many great things in the air that it makes me feel a conservative! They’re actually discussing disarmament and an international peace pact for twenty years,” she continued, “that nothing can break. Partow’s statue in our capital is to have not victory, but peace on the fourth face of the plinth. They’re even talking of putting up a statue to him in the Gray capital. Why not? The Grays have a statue of one of our great poets and we of one of their great scientists. And, to be as polite as they, we propose to honor one of their old generals who was almost as generous in victory as Partow. What a session of the school next Sunday! We’re going to have the children from both La Tir and South La Tir!... The only trouble is that if Lanny keeps on giving Partow all the credit for the good work he will succeed in making everybody think that every time he winked after Partow’s death it was according to Partow’s directions for the conduct of the war!”
“Then I shall have the more time for you,” replied Lanstron, who, being a real soldier of his time, did not care for hero worship. It was entirely contrary to Partow’s teachings.