Leonora eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about Leonora.

Leonora eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about Leonora.

Millicent, her youngest, ran impulsively to her in the garden.  Millicent was eighteen, and the days when she went to school and wore her hair in a long plait were still quite fresh in the girl’s mind.  For this reason she was often inordinately and aggressively adult.

’Mamma!  I’m going to have my tea first thing.  The Burgesses have asked me to play tennis.  I needn’t wait, need I?  It gets dark so soon.’  As Millicent stood there, ardently persuasive, she forgot that adult persons do not stand on one leg or put their fingers in their mouths.

Leonora looked fondly at the sprightly girl, vain, self-conscious, and blonde and pretty as a doll in her white dress.  She recognised all Millicent’s faults and shortcomings, and yet was overcome by the charm of her presence.

‘No, Milly, you must wait.’  Throned on the rustic seat, inscrutable and tyrannous Leonora, a wistful, wayward atom in the universe, laid her command upon the other wayward atom; and she thought how strange it was that this should be.

‘But, Ma——­’

’Father specially said you must be in for tea.  You know you have far too much freedom.  What have you been doing all the afternoon?’

‘I haven’t been doing anything, Ma.’

Leonora feared for the strict veracity of her youngest, but she said nothing, and Milly retired full of annoyance against the inconceivable caprices of parents.

At twenty minutes to seven John Stanway entered his large and handsome dining-room, having been driven home by David Dain, whose residence was close by.  Three languorous women and the erect and motionless parlourmaid behind the door were waiting for him.  He went straight to his carver’s chair, and instantly the women were alert, galvanised into vigilant life.  Leonora, opposite to her husband, began to pour out the tea; the impassive parlourmaid stood consummately ready to hand the cups; Ethel and Millicent took their seats along one side of the table, with an air of nonchalance which was far from sincere; a chair on the other side remained empty.

‘Turn the gas on, Bessie,’ said John.  Daylight had scarcely begun to fail; but nevertheless the man’s tone announced a grievance, that, with half-a-dozen women in the house, he the exhausted breadwinner should have been obliged to attend to such a trifle.  Bessie sprang to pull the chain of the Welsbach tap, and the white and silver of the tea-table glittered under the yellow light.  Every woman looked furtively at John’s morose countenance.

Neither dark nor fair, he was a tall man, verging towards obesity, and the fulness of his figure did not suit his thin, rather handsome face.  His age was forty-eight.  There was a small bald spot on the crown of his head.  The clipped brown beard seemed thick and plenteous, but this effect was given by the coarseness of the hairs, not by their number; the moustache was long and exiguous.  His blue eyes were never still, and they always avoided any prolonged encounter with other eyes.  He was a personable specimen of the clever and successful manufacturer.  His clothes were well cut, the necktie of a discreet smartness.  His grandfather had begun life as a working potter; nevertheless John Stanway spoke easily and correctly in a refined variety of the broad Five Towns accent; he could open a door for a lady, and was noted for his neatness in compliment.

Project Gutenberg
Leonora from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.