Mercenary Preacher (No. 24. p. 384.).—I think mercenary here is used in its primary signification, and in the sense in which we still apply it to troops in the pay of a state foreign to their own; to designate one who, having no settled cure, was at liberty to be “hired” by those who had occasion for his services.
Abdication of James the Second (No. 3. p. 40.).—“J.E.” would probably hear of the MSS. mentioned by Sir Harris Nicholas, on application to the Rev. Sir Thomas Miller, Bart., Froyle, near Alton, Hants.
Toom Shawn Cattie (No. 24. p. 383.).—An entertaining volume, containing the life and adventures of Twm Sion Catti, was published at Biulth some years ago, by Mr. Jeffery Llewelyn Prichard, who recently told me it was out of print, and that inquiries had been made for the book which might probably lead to a new and improved edition.
Dowry Parade, Clifton.
Wotton’s Poem to Lord Bacon (No. 19. p. 302.).—The poem communicated by Dr. Rimbault, with the heading, “To the Lord Bacon when falling from Favour,” and with the remark that he does “not remember to have seen it in print,” was written by Sir Henry Wotton, and may be found under the title, “Upon the sudden restraint of the Earl of Somerset, then falling from Favour,” in all the old editions of the Reliquiae Wottonianae (1651, 1654, 1672, and 1685), as well as in the modern editions of Sir Henry’s poems, by Mr. Dyce and Mr. Hannah. It was also printed as Wotton’s in Clarke’s Aurea Legenda, 1682, p. 97., and more recently in Campbell’s Specimens, in both cases, doubtless, from Rel. Wotton. The misapplication of it to Lord Bacon’s fall dates from an unauthorised publication in 1651, which misled Park in his edition of Walpole’s Royal and Noble Authors, ii. 208. In stanza 3. line 2. of Dr. Rimbault’s copy, “burst” should be “trust.”
“My Mind to Me a Kingdom is” (No. 19. p. 302.).—The following note, from the Introduction to Mr. Hannah’s edition of the Poems of Sir H. Wotton and Sir Walter Raleigh, 1845, p. lxv., will answer Dr. Rimbault’s Query, and also show that a claim had been put in for Sir E. Dyer before Mr. Singer’s very valuable communication to “NOTES AND QUERIES,” p. 355.
“There are three copies of verses on that model; two of which, viz., one of four stanzas and another of size, were printed by Byrd in 1588. They have been reprinted from his text in Cens. Lit ii. 108-110, and Exc. Tudor, i. 100-103. Percy inserted them in the Reliques with some alterations and additions; but he changed his mind more than once as to whether they were two distinct poems, or only the discovered parts of one (see i. 292-294. 303., ed. 1767; and i. 307-310. ed. 1839). The third (containing four stanzas) is among Sylvester’s