Gaspar Ruiz de Morales.
Aguilar, likewise an excellent soldier.
Bartholome Rodriguez.
Sargeant Cantero.
Gaspar de Ysla.
Ensign Christoval de Azcueta.
Geronimo de Cuellar.
Luis Nunez Hernandez.
[14]. Others, who are said not to have been there so long, but who are men of worth and account, are as follows:
Don Francisco de Porras y Guevara.
Joan de Alcega.
Don Luis de Velasco.
Don Fernando de Villafane.
Christoval Gueral.
Joan Verdugo, who has lost his right arm in my service.
Joan Diaz Guerrero.
Blas Garcia.
Joan de Cuellar.
Gaspar de Mena.
Diego de Carate, who is returning with you, and who, I have been told, has usually been a commander, and has put down a rebellion, and has served faithfully.
15. You shall provide for and reward all of the above according to age, merits, and individual qualifications; and shall give them preference over all others who do not possess the above qualifications, in the distribution of encomiendas, posts of government and war, and other means for the advancement of the country.
16. I charge and order you to observe the same plan in all that pertains to the commissions and sources of profit, on land or on sea—especially in the choice of masters and officers of vessels. For besides observing, in regard to them, that they must have rendered service and deserve the appointment, the others will be encouraged, it will attract hither those who have gone away, and the country will be settled and increased.
17. I have been petitioned also, in behalf of the said city, that all those who have worked, or have held appointments for wages or pay, in the said islands be paid their wages there—as for instance, sailors, carpenters, smiths, and all others who live there, and they must live there permanently; and that the money for this purpose be paid from the said royal treasury of Mexico—in order that the country may become more thickly settled, and other good results follow. In regard to this, since there will be a treasury there, from which it may be paid, you shall be careful to order that those who labor be reimbursed fully for their services; and, if there is insufficient money to meet the obligations, you and my royal officials shall advise my officials of the said Nueva Espana thereof, where an order will be given to furnish that portion which appears, by sufficient testimony and report, to be needful.
18. In place of the third office of my royal treasury—namely, the office of factor, which I ordered to be suppressed—they petition for a ship-purveyor, in order that the vessels may leave better equipped and more promptly; for the other two officials are so busy that they cannot attend to it. As it would be advisable to place this in charge of the factor whom I am having appointed, you shall have care to see that he attends to it, as far as may be necessary, so that there may be no grievance or lack in this matter.