The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55.

Memorandum of the Resources of the Hospital of Manila and Its Needs

The royal hospital for the Spaniards possesses about one hundred taes of gold in the encomienda of Darandum in Ylocos, which was assigned to the said hospital by Doctor Sande.  DC pesos

It possesses, further, six hundred pesos, which were granted to it by the president from the encomienda which fell vacant because of the death of Don Luis de Sahajosa, in Ylocos.  DC pesos

It possesses one thousand five hundred fanegas of rice, and one thousand seven hundred fowls, assigned by the president from the tributes of Caruya and Lubao, which belong to his Majesty.  DLXX pesos

It possesses what your Lordship assigned it in the encomienda of Bondoy Moron, which, it is thought, will amount to more than eight hundred or nine hundred pesos.  IU pesos


With the above, the said hospital cannot even support the expenses incurred for food and for services rendered by the Indians.  It likewise needs a doctor, medicine, nurses, and other services, as well as exceptional delicacies, bed clothes, and tents.  Indeed half the money is expended in the anointings and sweatings which are applied throughout the year.

There is also needed a chaplain, who is usually attached to the said hospital, to administer the sacraments to the sick.

The building of the said hospital does not suffice for its needs.  It contains but one hall, where all classes of sick people are packed together, to their own detriment.  Another infirmary is greatly needed for patients who suffer from buboes, and for anointings and sweatings; there are many sick with this disease, since this country is well suited to produce it.  The said hospital also needs a room for the convalescents, for lack of which many relapses are wont to occur.

We also need quarters for sick women, for many poor creatures do not recover because they have no money, and no place where they can go.

Likewise, the said hospital is in need of a kitchen, utensils, and quarters for its servants, all of which things are needful therein for the suitable outfit and service of the said hospital.

The captain Cuenca, as director of the hospital.

Discussion and Conclusions of the Bishop Concerning the Matter of Tributes


Inasmuch as I understand that some of the encomenderos, and especially those from Camarines, have gone, or desire to go, to ask permission of your Lordship to collect from their encomiendas, in which they never have, nor do they at present, maintain religious instruction, I have deemed it best to send to your Lordship a brief statement of what I and the theologians of this bishopric feel concerning the collections in the aforesaid encomiendas, in order that your Lordship may understand how and in what way they are to be licensed to make these collections. [45] Although the king, our lord, has unburdened his royal conscience by entrusting it to your Lordship and to myself, I see no reason why we should weigh down our own souls and consciences with what others are to eat and expend.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.