The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 303 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55.

In the remaining space within the four fronts of the Parian is a large pond, which receives water from the sea through an estuary.  In the middle of the pond is an islet, where the Sangleys who commit crimes receive their punishment, so as to be seen by all.  The pond beautifies the Parian and proves to be of great advantage, because many ships sail into it through the aforesaid estuary at high tide, and bring to the Parian all the supplies, which are distributed thence all over the city.

Among the benefits which this city receives from the intercourse with the Sangleys, by no means the least important is that, while in Espana stone-masonry is so expensive and difficult to produce, here, through the diligence and industry of the Sangleys, we are able to build fine houses of hewn stone at a low cost; and in so short a time that in one year a man has been able to complete a house, all ready for habitation.  It is wonderful to see with what rapidity many sumptuous houses, churches, monasteries, hospitals, and a fort are being built.  The Sangleys also made very good bricks and roof-tiles at low cost.  At first, lime was made with stone as in Espana; but now the Sangleys are using a kind of pebble, called “white corals,” which they find on this coast; and also shells of large oysters, of which there is a large quantity.  At the beginning this lime did not seem to be of good quality; but the kind produced ever since has been so good that no other kind of lime is being employed in this city.  It came to be sold at so low a price that for my house as well as for others we bought a cahiz [36] of lime for four reals, and one thousand bricks for eight—­although this is not the fixed price, for it fluctuates according to the money which comes from Mexico.  The Sangleys know how to take advantage of the right time; they sell their goods dearer when they know that there is money to buy them, but they never raise the price so as to make it unreasonable.  They agree to bring all the lime, bricks, and tiles to the house of the purchaser, thus saving him a great deal of labor.  It is of great advantage also to have the Sangleys construct the building; they agree on so much per braza, including the cutting of stones and the carrying of the sand.  If they are given the lime, they will furnish all the rest, and will thus deliver the house or work without any trouble to the owner.  The day’s wage of a Sangley, when he does not work by the job, is one real, and he provides his own food.  The Sangleys are hard workers and very greedy for money.  The number of those who have come to this city is so large that another large Parian is being built by the side of the above-mentioned one, resembling it in shape.  Many Sangleys have built their houses in it, and it would be filled with people by this time had not the bricks of Mexico failed us last year through the Marquis de Villa-Manrrique—­who, according to report, prevented the shipment of the bricks to us, thus causing no little injury and loss to this city and to the Sangleys.  He shall give an account to your Majesty, and a more exact one to God, of the injuries and loss that he has caused to this land.  Had not your Majesty set matters right by sending a successor to him, [37] and so good a one as you did send, he would have brought ruin upon this land; and, even so, he leaves it sufficiently harassed and afflicted.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.