Galley of Naples, The, attacked by the brothers Barbarossa, 51-54.
Gardampe, Chevalier Abel de Bridiers de la, killed
at the siege of
Malta, 333.
Gelves, 271.
Genoa, 32,
arrangement with the Grand Turk, 34;
confers honours on Andrea Doria, 105.
Gerard, the founder of the Order of St. John, 287,
death, 288.
Gibraltar, Straits of, 15.
Giou, Chevalier de, 313.
Goialatta, 246.
Goletta, La, 348,
attack on the fortress, 156;
fall, 157;
captured, 313.
Gomez, Alvar, left in charge of Bona, 166.
Gonzaga, Hernando de, his advice at the battle of Prevesa, 198.
Gonzaga, Julia, attempt to capture her, 134-136,
escape, 136.
Gozo, island of, Knights of St. John at, 277, 299,
sacked, 309.
Granada, fall of, 4, 8, 22,
expulsion of the Moors from, 8, 29;
revolt in, 347.
Grandenico, Count, 178.
Granvelle, Cardinal, 7, 359.
Graviere, Admiral Jurien de la, 17, 54, 127, 214,
his description of a Galeasse, 233.
Great Harry, 232.
Grimani, Antonio, the Venetian Admiral, defeated at Zonchio, 38.
Grimani, Marco, in command of the Papal contingent,
191, 214,
at Corfu, 191;
raid on Arta, 191.
Guasto, Marquis de, taken prisoner, 101,
his suggestion to Andrea Doria, 104;
in command of the army, 156.
Guerare, Sergeant-Major, at the siege of Malta, 332.
Guglielmotti, Alberto, his work “La Guerra dei Pirati,” 39, 41, 180.
Guimeran, Commandeur de, success of his ambush, 307.
Guzmana, the galley, 371.
Hadj-Hossein, his embassy to Selim I., 76-78.
Haedo, Don Fray Diego de, his History of Algiers, 96, 348, 353, 374.
Hamid, King of Tunis, character of his rule, 348,
conspiracy against, 349;
flight, 350.
Hassan Ali, 53,
ravages towns and villages, 83;
repulsed by Spaniards, 84;
flogged and imprisoned, 86;
released, 87;
attacks Barbarossa, 87.
Hassem, his attack on Oran, 10,
retreat, 10.
Henry II., 34.
Henry VII., 215.
Henry VIII., 14.
Herbert, Arthur, concludes a treaty with Algiers, 377.
Himeral, Basha, 114, 125.
Hogue, La, battle of, 283.
Honore II., Pope, 291.
Horusco, Pero Lopez de, 166.
Hunyadi, John, 14.
Hyeres, island of, 234.
Ibrahim, Grand Vizier to Soliman, 9,
his mission to Aleppo, 120;
advice, 123;
impressions of Barbarossa, 126;
return from Aleppo, 132;
his relations with Soliman, 173;
murdered, 176.
Innocent VIII., Pope, 98.
Ionian Islands, 179.
Ionian Sea, 49.