The Pacha of Many Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 505 pages of information about The Pacha of Many Tales.

The Pacha of Many Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 505 pages of information about The Pacha of Many Tales.

Flattered by the confidence demanded, there was no end to the loquacity and the ill-natured remarks of the old beldame:  she held her list in her hand, and ran over the families and private history of each.  It was two hours before she had finished, which she did with Marie, of whose history she gave me a most minute detail; and if she was as correct in her reports of all the others, I certainly had no reason to compliment myself upon being abbess, as far as the previous characters of the nuns under my surveillance were concerned.  “Good sister,” replied I, “I thank you for your information, which I shall not fail to profit by in my plans for the improvement of the morality of those under my charge.  I have always made it a rule, that one of the sisterhood should remain in my room every night, to watch and do penance.  I have found that when coupled with my seasonable exhortations, it has produced an excellent effect.  Of course I allude not to sage and devout women like you; I refer to those who in their folly and their flow of youthful passions, have not yet humbled themselves sufficiently by abstinence and mortification.  Who would you propose to watch here this night?”

The old beldame, who I had perceived by the violence of her manner, had a dislike to Marie, immediately mentioned her as one to whom severe penance would be of especial benefit.  I conversed with her for another half-hour; then, wishing her good-night, prepared for bed, and requested that Marie might be summoned to attend.

Marie entered with her book of Prieres in her hand, and, bowing humbly to me as she passed, sat down near to the lamp which was lighted before an image of the Virgin, at the farther end of the room, and commenced her task of watching and of prayer.

“Marie,” said I, as I stood by the bed:  she uttered a faint scream as she heard my voice for the first time, and throwing herself down upon her knees before the image of the Virgin, covered her face with her hands, and appeared to be in silent but earnest supplication.

“Marie,” again said I, “come here.”  She rose, and came trembling to the foot of the bed.  “To you, and to you alone, do I intrust a secret which, if discovered, would subject me to a painful and ignominious death.  You were not deceived, when you started at the face beneath the nun’s attire; and you must now be certain, from the voice which you have heard, that I am indeed Francois.  How I became the lady abbess of this convent you have yet to learn.”  I then narrated what I have already done to your highness.  “By what means,” continued I, “I am to deliver myself from this dangerous situation, I know not; I have, however, one consolation, in finding myself once more in company with the object of my love.

“Come hither, Marie; it is indeed your own Francois.”  Marie remained at the foot of the bed, but advanced not; and I perceived that the tears fell fast, as she cast her eyes to heaven.

Project Gutenberg
The Pacha of Many Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.