The Pacha of Many Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 505 pages of information about The Pacha of Many Tales.

The Pacha of Many Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 505 pages of information about The Pacha of Many Tales.

Then rose up Youantee in great wrath, and ordered that the prime minister, and all the mandarins, and the princes, and all the generals, and all the army, and all the people, should be disgraced and decapitated forthwith.  “Let it be an edict.”  But as there was no one left to put the great Youantee’s edict into force, it was not obeyed.  And the brother of the sun and moon perceived that he was in the minority; concealing therefore his bile, he graciously ordered refreshments for the envoy, saying, “Let the dog be fed,” and retired to the apartment of the peerless Chaoukeun.

Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti.

Now the beauteous empress had listened to all that had taken place in the great hall of audience, and she threw herself at the celestial feet, saying, “Let me be sacrificed—­it is my destiny.  Send your slave to the great khan to do with me as he pleases—­I am all submission.  They say he is a handsome man, and of great size and strength.  It is my destiny.”

Then did the great Youantee shed bitter tears at his bitter fate; but he knew it was his destiny—­and O destiny, who can resist thee?  He wiped his celestial eyes, and leading forth the peerless Chaoukeun, put her in the hands of the barbarian envoy, saying, “I send your master the pearl beyond all price.  I have worn her for some time, but still she is as good as new.  And now let your master the great khan return, with his hundred thousand warriors, to the confines of our territories, as it was agreed.  Thou hearest.  It is an edict.”

“It is enough that my great master hath given his word, and the great Youantee hath given the pearl beyond all price.  There needs not an edict,” replied the envoy, departing with the peerless Chaoukeun.  Thus was the magnificent Youantee left without a bride.

Now when the envoy had brought the peerless Chaoukeun in a close litter to the tent of the great khan, he forthwith commanded his army to return.  Much to the mortification of the peerless damsel, he did not express any curiosity to behold her, but commenced a rapid retreat, and, in a few days, arrived at the confines of the celestial territory, which was separated from the Tartar dominions by an impetuous river.  As soon as he had forded the river, he encamped on the other side, and sat down with his generals to a sumptuous feast of horseflesh and quass.  When the liquor had mounted into his brain, he desired that the litter of the pearl beyond all price should be brought nigh to his tent, that he might send for her, if so inclined.  And the peerless Chaoukeun peeped out of the litter, and beheld the great khan as he caroused; and when she beheld his hairy form, his gleaming eyes, his pug-nose, and his tremendously wide mouth—­when she perceived that he had the form and features of a ghoul, or evil spirit, she wrung her hands, and wept bitterly, and all her love returned for the magnificent Youantee.

Now the great khan was drunk with quass, and he ordered the pearl beyond all price to be brought to him, and she replied trembling, saying, “Tell your lord that I am not fit to appear in his sublime presence until I have washed myself in the river.”  And those who had charge of her took the message to the great khan, who replied, “Let her wash, since she is so dirty.”

Project Gutenberg
The Pacha of Many Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.