A Study of Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about A Study of Fairy Tales.

A Study of Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about A Study of Fairy Tales.

Simple and sincere, 28-29.

Sincerity, principle of, 58-59;
  illustrated in:  Oeyvind and Marit, 60, 61;
  Three Billy-Goats Gruff, 64-65.

Sindibad, The Book of, 172.

Sleeping Beauty,
  romantic type, 231-32;
  uniting partial narration, dramatization, and dramatic game, 146-47.

Snow White, 145, 266-67.

Snow White and Rose Red, 232, 282-86.

Song, as expression, 132-33.

Soul, in literature, 39-40.

Sources of material for fairy tales, 245-64: 
  list of fairy tales and folk-tales, 246-53;
  bibliography of fairy tales, 253-54;
  list of picture-books, 254-55;
  list of pictures, 255;
  list of fairy poems, 255-56;
  main standard fairy-tale books, 256-58;
  fairy tales of all nations, 258-59;
  miscellaneous editions of fairy tales, 259-62;
  school editions of fairy tales, 262-64.

Sparrow and the Crow, as expression, 125-26.

Spider and the Flea, 79-81.

  for testing fairy tales, 84;
  for selecting tales, 204-05;
  for making lists, 245-46. See Summaries.

Standard fairy-tale books, a list, 256-58.

Story, place of,
  in home, library, and school, 93-94;
  formation of original stories, 126-27.

  an ancient art, 91-93;
  principles governing, 94;
  teacher’s preparation for, 94-102;
  rules for, 94-102;
  presentation in, 102-119;
  voice in, 103-04;
  breathing in, 104-05;
  gesture in, 105-06;
  re-creative method of, 113-17;
  return from child, in, 119-54;
  child’s part in, 121-25.

Straparola, 178.

Straparola’s Nights, 178.

Straw Ox, 86-87.

Structure, illustrated, 76-77;
  study of, in story-telling, 99-100.

Study of tale as folk-lore and as literature, 96-99.

  defined, 59-60;
  illustrated, 60-65;
  qualities of, 59-60;
  principles controlling, 59-60.

Success, 20.

  illustrated by Pope, 55;
  by Andersen, 136;
  by Kipling, 56-57;
  through gesture and sound, 55;
  through arrangement of words and speech-tunes of voice, 56-57.

Summaries:  giving message of book, 13, 37-38, 40, 70-71, 84, 158,
  204-05, 235.

Surprise, 15-17.

Swedish tales, 193.

  of Mother Goose, 179-81;
  of Perrault, 246;
  of the Grimms, 246-47;
  Norse, 247;
  English, by Jacobs, 247-48;
  modern fairy, by Andersen, 248;
  Uncle Remus, 248-49;
  miscellaneous, 249-53;
  fairy, of all nations, 258-59;
  literary collections of, 170-200. See Fairy tales.

  story-telling, a part of the art of, 119-25;
  poetry of, 120;
  good art in, 120;
  great art in, 120-21;
  a criticism of life, 120-21.

Project Gutenberg
A Study of Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.