Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsay eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsay.

Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsay eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsay.

When I came back again to the Bird of the River, I found the sailors were returned to the ship.  Soon we weighed anchor, and sailed out again, and so came once more to the middle of the river.  And now the sun was moving towards his heights, and there had reached us on the River Yann the song of those countless myriads of choirs that attend him in his progress round the world.  For the little creatures that have many legs had spread their gauze wings easily on the air, as a man rests his elbows on a balcony, and gave jubilant, ceremonial praises to the sun, or else they moved together on the air in wavering dances intricate and swift, or turned aside to avoid the onrush of some drop of water that a breeze had shaken from a jungle orchid, chilling the air and driving it before it, as it fell whirring in its rush to the earth; but all the while they sang triumphantly.  ’For the day is for us,’ they said, ’whether our great and sacred father the Sun shall bring up more life like us from the marshes, or whether all the world shall end to-night.’  And there sang all those whose notes are known to human ears, as well as those whose far more numerous notes have been never heard by man.

To these a rainy day had been as an era of war that should desolate continents during all the lifetime of a man.

And there came out also from the dark and steaming jungle to behold and rejoice in the Sun the huge and lazy butterflies.  And they danced, but danced idly, on the ways of the air, as some haughty queen of distant conquered lands might in her poverty and exile dance, in some encampment of the gipsies, for the mere bread to live by, but beyond that would never abate her pride to dance for a fragment more.

And the butterflies sung of strange and painted things, of purple orchids and of lost pink cities and the monstrous colours of the jungle’s decay.  And they, too, were among those whose voices are not discernible by human ears.  And as they floated above the river, going from forest to forest, their splendour was matched by the inimical beauty of the birds who darted out to pursue them.  Or sometimes they settled on the white and wax-like blooms of the plant that creeps and clambers about the trees of the forest; and their purple wings flashed out on the great blossoms as, when the caravans go from Nurl to Thace, the gleaming silks flash out upon the snow, where the crafty merchants spread them one by one to astonish the mountaineers of the Hills of Noor.

But upon men and beasts the sun sent a drowsiness.  The river monsters along the river’s marge lay dormant in the slime.  The sailors pitched a pavilion, with golden tassels, for the captain upon the deck, and then went, all but the helmsman, under a sail that they had hung as an awning between two masts.  Then they told tales to one another, each of his own city or of the miracles of his god, until all were fallen asleep.  The captain offered me the shade

Project Gutenberg
Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsay from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.