A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga eBook

Yogi Ramacharaka
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga.

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga eBook

Yogi Ramacharaka
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga.

If you were able to set aside the “I” for consideration, who would be the one to consider it?  Who could consider except the “I” itself, and if it be here, how could it be there? The “I” cannot be the “not I” even in the wildest flights of the imagination—­the imagination with all its boasted freedom and power, confesses itself vanquished when asked to do this thing.

Oh, students, may you be brought to a realization of what you are.  May you soon awaken to the fact that you are sleeping gods—­that you have within you the power of the Universe, awaiting your word to manifest in action.  Long ages have you toiled to get this far, and long must you travel before you reach even the first Great Temple, but you are now entering into the conscious stage of Spiritual Evolution.  No longer will your eyes be closed as you walk the Path.  From now on you will begin to see clearer and clearer each step, in the dawning light of consciousness.

You are in touch with all of life, and the separation of your “I” from the great Universal “I” is but apparent and temporary.  We will tell you of these things in our Third Lesson, but before you can grasp that you must develop the “I” consciousness within you.  Do not lay aside this matter as one of no importance.  Do not dismiss our weak explanation as being “merely words, words, words,” as so many are inclined to do.  We are pointing out a great truth to you.  Why not follow the leadings of the Spirit which even now—­this moment while you read—­is urging you to walk The Path of Attainment?  Consider the teachings of this lesson, and practice the Mental Drill until your mind has grasped its significance, then let it sink deep down into your inner consciousness.  Then will you be ready for the next lessons, and those to follow.

Practice this Mental Drill until you are fully assured of the reality of the “I” and the relativity of the “not “I” in the mind.  When you once grasp this truth, you will find that you will be able to use the mind with far greater power and effect, for you will recognize that it is your tool and instrument, fitted and intended to do your bidding.  You will be able to master your moods, and emotions when necessary, and will rise from the position of a slave to a Master.

Our words seem cheap and poor, when we consider the greatness of the truth that we are endeavoring to convey by means of them.  For who can find words to express the inexpressible?  All that we may hope to do is to awaken a keen interest and attention on your part, so that you will practice the Mental Drill, and thus obtain the evidence of your own mentality to the truth.  Truth is not truth to you until you have proven it in your own experience, and once so proven you cannot be robbed of it, nor can it be argued away from you.

Project Gutenberg
A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.