Nonsense Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Nonsense Books.

Nonsense Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Nonsense Books.


    The Absolutely Abstemious Ass,
    who resided in a Barrel, and only lived on
    Soda Water and Pickled Cucumbers.


    The Bountiful Beetle,
    who always carried a Green Umbrella when it didn’t rain,
    and left it at home when it did.


    The Comfortable Confidential Cow,
    who sate in her Red Morocco Arm Chair and
    toasted her own Bread at the parlour Fire.


    The Dolomphious Duck,
    who caught Spotted Frogs for her dinner
    with a Runcible Spoon.


    The Enthusiastic Elephant,
    who ferried himself across the water with the
    Kitchen Poker and a New pair of Ear-rings.


    The Fizzgiggious Fish,
    who always walked about upon Stilts,
    because he had no legs.


    The Good-natured Grey Gull,
    who carried the Old Owl, and his Crimson Carpet-bag,
    across the river, because he could not swim.


    The Hasty Higgeldipiggledy Hen,
    who went to market in a Blue Bonnet and Shawl,
    and bought a Fish for her Supper.


    The Inventive Indian,
    who caught a Remarkable Rabbit in a
    Stupendous Silver Spoon.


    The Judicious Jubilant Jay,
    who did up her Back Hair every morning with a Wreath of Roses,
    Three feathers, and a Gold Pin.


    The Kicking Kangaroo,
    who wore a Pale Pink Muslin dress
    with Blue spots.


    The Lively Learned Lobster,
    who mended his own Clothes with
    a Needle and Thread.


    The Melodious Meritorious Mouse,
    who played a merry minuet on the


    The Nutritious Newt,
    who purchased a Round Plum-pudding
    for his grand-daughter.


    The Obsequious Ornamental Ostrich,
    who wore Boots to keep his
    feet quite dry.

    [Illustration:  PARSNIP PIE]

    The Perpendicular Purple Polly,
    who read the Newspaper and ate Parsnip Pie
    with his Spectacles.


    The Queer Querulous Quail,
    who smoked a Pipe of tobacco on the top of
    a Tin Tea-kettle.


    The Rural Runcible Raven,
    who wore a White Wig and flew away
    with the Carpet Broom.


    The Scroobious Snake,
    who always wore a Hat on his Head, for
    fear he should bite anybody.

Project Gutenberg
Nonsense Books from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.