A Book of Nonsense eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 30 pages of information about A Book of Nonsense.

A Book of Nonsense eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 30 pages of information about A Book of Nonsense.


    There was an Old Man who said, “Hush! 
    I perceive a young bird in this bush!”
    When they said, “Is it small?” he replied, “Not at all;
    It is four times as big as the bush!”


    There was a Young Lady of Russia,
    Who screamed so that no one could hush her;
    Her screams were extreme,—­no one heard such a scream
    As was screamed by that Lady of Russia.


    There was a Young Lady of Tyre,
    Who swept the loud chords of a lyre;
    At the sound of each sweep she enraptured the deep,
    And enchanted the city of Tyre.


    There was an Old Person of Bangor,
    Whose face was distorted with anger;
    He tore off his boots, and subsisted on roots,
    That borascible Person of Bangor.


    There was an Old Man of the East,
    Who gave all his children a feast;
    But they all ate so much, and their conduct was such,
    That it killed that Old Man of the East.


    There was an Old Man of the Coast,
    Who placidly sat on a post;
    But when it was cold he relinquished his hold,
    And called for some hot buttered toast.


    There was an Old Man of Kamschatka,
    Who possessed a remarkably fat Cur;
    His gait and his waddle were held as a model
    To all the fat dogs in Kamschatka.


    There was an Old Person of Gretna,
    Who rushed down the crater of Etna;
    When they said, “Is it hot?” he replied, “No, it’s not!”
    That mendacious Old Person of Gretna.


    There was an Old Man with a beard,
    Who sat on a Horse when he reared;
    But they said, “Never mind! you will fall off behind,
    You propitious Old Man with a beard!”


    There was an Old Man of Berlin,
    Whose form was uncommonly thin;
    Till he once, by mistake, was mixed up in a cake,
    So they baked that Old Man of Berlin.


    There was an Old Man of the West,
    Who never could get any rest;
    So they set him to spin on his nose and his chin,
    Which cured that Old Man of the West.


    There was an Old Person of Cheadle
    Was put in the stocks by the Beadle
    For stealing some pigs, some coats, and some wigs,
    That horrible person of Cheadle.


    There was an Old Person of Anerley,
    Whose conduct was strange and unmannerly;
    He rushed down the Strand with a Pig in each hand,
    But returned in the evening to Anerley.


    There was a Young Lady of Wales,
    Who caught a large Fish without scales;
    When she lifted her hook, she exclaimed, “Only look!”
    That ecstatic Young Lady of Wales.

Project Gutenberg
A Book of Nonsense from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.