maintain justice. I am no longer incited to aspire
to public favor, even under your auspices: my
course is marked right onward—to be steadily
trodden, whether its duties may accord with the prevalent
feeling of the hour, or may oppose the temporary injustice
of its generous errors: but it is not forbidden
me to prize the esteem of those who have known me
longest and best, and to indulge the hope that I may
retain it to the last. To encourage me in the
aim still to deserve that esteem, I shall look on this
gift of those numbers of my townsmen whose regards
have just found such cordial expression. I shall
cherish it as a memorial of earliest hopes that gleam
out from the depth of years; as a memorial of a thousand
incentives to virtuous endeavor, of sacred trusts,
of delighted solaces; as a memorial of affections
which have invested a being, frail, sensitive, and
weak, with strength not its own, and under God, have
insured for it an honorable destiny; as a memorial
of this hour, when, in the presence of those who are
nearest and dearest to me on earth, my course has
been pictured in the light of those friendships which
have gladdened it—an hour of which the memory
and the influence will not pass away, but, I fondly
trust, will incite those who will bear my name after
me, and to whose charge this gift will be confided
when I shall cease to behold it, better to deserve,
though they cannot more dearly appreciate, such a
succession of kindnesses as that to which the crowning
grace is now added, and for which, with my whole heart,
I thank you.”
* * * *
Cultivate and exercise a serene faith, and you shall
acquire wonderful power and insight; its results are
sure and illimitable, moulding and moving to its purposes
equally spirit, mind, and matter. It is the power-endowing
essential of all action.
* * * *
Under this head we have rarely to present so many
articles as are demanded by the foreign journals received
during the week, and by the melancholy disaster which
caused the death of the MARCHESA D’OSSOLI, with
her husband, and Mr. SUMNER. Of MARGARET FULLER
D’OSSOLI a sketch is given in the preceding
pages, and we reserve for our next number an article
upon the history of Sir ROBERT PEEL. The death
of this illustrious person has caused a profound sensation
not only in Great Britain, but throughout Europe.
In the House of Lords, most eloquent and impressive
speeches upon the exalted character of the deceased,
and the irreparable loss of the country, were delivered
by the Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord Stanley, Lord Brougham,
the Duke of Wellington, and the Duke of Cleveland,
and in the House of Commons, by Lord John Russell,
and Messrs. Hume, Gladstone, Goulburn, Herries, Napier,
Inglis and Somervile. The House, in testimony
of its grief, adjourned without business, an act without