Bacon, Rev. Thomas, favored the instruction of Negroes,
Ball, Thomas, a colored photographer, 20
Baltimore, George, on colonization, 297
meeting to protest against African colonization,
another colonization meeting in 1831,
a divided meeting, 298;
A Typical Colonization Meeting,
Bancroft, tribute to Negro troops, 129
“Baptists, Emancipating,” 143
Barclay, Rev. T., instructed Negroes at Albany, 358
Bartow, Rev. Mr., baptized Negroes, 355
Beckett, Rev. Mr., instructed Negroes, 355
Beech, Rev. J., baptized Negroes, 359
Beecham, Mrs., teacher of Negroes in Fredericksburg,
Beecher, Henry Ward, aided slaves to purchase freedom,
Berea College in anti-slavery centre, 149
exchanged Indians for Negroes, 362;
code of, 365;
Negro troops under, 371
Bigham, J. A., review of Du Bois’s The Negro,
Birney, James G., editor of The Philanthropist
destroyed by mob, 8
Black and White in the Southern States, reviewed,
Black Laws of Ohio, 2, 3, 4;
repeal of 16
Black master, the existence of, 235-236
Blackburn, Miss Lucy, taught in Cincinnati, 19
Border States, position of, in 1861, 371
Bore, de Etienne,
learned to granulate sugar, 375;
the effects of the discovery, 375-376
Boston, anti-colonization meetings at, 284, 292
Bowen, Nathaniel, on colonization, 298
Boyd, Henry, a successful Negro business man prior
to 1860, 21
Brawley, Benjamin, Lorenzo Dow, 265
Bray, Rev. Thomas, work of,
among Negroes, 353-354;
“The Associates” of, 354
“Breckinridge Democrats,” in control of
Kentucky, 379
Breckinridge, John, views of, 377, 378, 379
Breacroft, Dr., appeal of, in behalf of the enlightenment
of the Negroes, 352
Brissot de Warville, J. P., on the condition of the
slaves, 419
Brooklyn, anti-colonization meeting of, 285
Brown County, Ohio, Negroes in, 302
Brown, William Wells, an occasional physician, 106
Bryan, Andrew, letters of, 87
Buckner, S. B., joined the Confederates, 390
Calhoun, John C., refuted by Dr. James McCune Smith,
Casas, De las, on slavery, 361-362
Casey, Wm. R., a teacher, 19
Casor, John, a slave, 234
Cesar, cure of, 101-102
Channing, offered to aid the defense of Daniel Drayton,
Charleston, missionary efforts at,
among Negroes, 350-352;
attitude of Negroes of, toward colonization,
Charlton, Rev. Mr., a teacher of Negroes in New York,
Chase, Salmon P., desired to aid Daniel Drayton, 251
Chastellux, Marquis de,
his observations of Negro troops, 128
critical examination of the travels of,
Chatham, the attitude of the Negroes of, toward colonization,
Chickasaws, fought with Negroes in Louisiana, 370
Chouchas, fought with Negroes in Louisiana, 369, 370
Choctaws, Negroes’ troubles with, in Louisiana,