that alliance and not the alliance with England that
has terrified Germany into flying at her throat and
plunging Europe into a frightful war. The natural
alliance with England twice averted war: in the
Moroccan crises of Algeciras and Agadir, when Sir Edward
Grey said boldly that we should defend France, and
took the first steps towards a joint military and
naval control of the French and English forces.
Why he shrank from that firm position last July and
thereby led Germany to count so fatally on our neutrality
I do not pretend to know; it suffices for my argument
that we were able to hold the balance between France
and Germany, but failed to hold it between Germany
and Russia, and that it was the placing of Russian
loans in France and England that brought Russia into
our western affairs. It would have paid us ten
times over to have made Russia a present of all we
and France have lent her (indemnifying, of course,
the holders of the stock through an addition to the
income tax) rather than pay the price of a European
war. But what is the use of crying for spilt
milk? I am merely explaining why, when French
money went to Russia, the French papers discovered
that the Russians were a most interesting people and
their Government—properly understood—a
surprisingly Liberal Government; and why, when English
money went to Russia, the English press suddenly developed
leanings towards the Greek Church, and deplored the
unofficial execution of Stolypin as deeply as it had
rejoiced in the like fate of Bobrikoff. The upshot
of it all is that western civilization is at present
busy committing suicide by machinery, and importing
hordes of Asiatics and Africans to help in the throat
cutting, not for the benefit of the silly capitalists,
who are being ruined wholesale, but to break up the
Austrian Empire for the benefit of Russia and the Slavs
of eastern Europe, which may be a very desirable thing,
but which could and should be done by the eastern
Powers among themselves, without tearing Belgium and
Germany and France and England to pieces in the process.
The Red Flag and the Black.
Will you now at last believe, O stupid British, German,
and French patriots, what the Socialists have been
telling you for so many years: that your Union
Jacks and tricolours and Imperial Eagles ("where the
carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered”)
are only toys to keep you amused, and that there are
only two real flags in the world henceforth:
the red flag of Democratic Socialism and the black
flag of Capitalism, the flag of God and the flag of
Mammon? What earthly or heavenly good is done
when Tom Fool shoots Hans Narr? The plain fact
is that if we leave our capital to be dealt with according
to the selfishness of the private man he will send
it where wages are low and workers enslaved and docile:
that is, as many thousand miles as possible from the
Trade Unions and Trade Union rates and parliamentary
Labour Parties of civilization; and Germany, at his