“Orlando Furioso,” cited, ii, 154.
Ormond, Duke of, ii, 143.
Ormond Quay, ii, 42.
O’Rourke’s Irish Feast, i, 107.
Orrery, Earl of, his account of “Death and Daphne,”
ii, 54;
his remarks on the “Life of Swift,”
402, 406.
Oudenarde, Dutch account of, ii, 130.
Overton, ii, 360.
Ovid. See Classics.
Oxford, Lord Treasurer, as Atlas, ii, 147, 167;
verses sent to him in the Tower, 182.
Pallas and Arachne, referred to, i, 134.
Pam, Archbishop of Tuam, ii, 297. See Hort.
“Pantheon, The,” account of, ii, 97.
Parliament in Ireland, i, 263.
Parthenope, ii, 60.
Partridge, i, 74, 113.
Pearce, architect, i, 338.
Peleus, referred to, i, 205.
Pella, i, 334.
Percy, “Reliques of English poetry,” i,
Peterborough, Pope’s verses on, i, 48.
Phaethon, story of, ii, 184.
Phalanx, ii, 325.
Phillips, Ambrose, i, 83, 288.
Physicians, College of, ii, 55.
Piddle with, to, sense of, ii, 41.
Pilkington, Sir Thomas, ii, 176.
Pilkingtons, the, i, 232, 247.
Planche, costume, i, 67.
Pluck a rose, i, 203; ii, 121.
Pope, cited or referred to, i, 34, 104, 191, 192,
216, 217, 247, 322.
Prendergast, Sir Thomas, ii, 235, 260, 266.
Priapus, ii, 337.
Prior, his “Journey to France,” i, 103.
Prometheus, i, 277.
Pulteney, Earl of Bath, i, 253; ii, 250.
Pythagoras, precept of, i, 206.
Queensberry, Duke and Duchess of, i, 215, 273.
Rapparees, i, 185, 263.
Rathfarnam, ii, 364.
Raymond, Dr., Minister of Trim, i, 82.
“Rehearsal, The,” i, 28, 43, 44.
Richmond Hermitage, i, 227. 228.
Richmond Lodge, i, 155.
Riding, description of a, i, 153.
Rochfort, George, ii, 298. See Trifles.
Roper, Abel, ii, 173.
Rymer, i, 271.
St. Patrick’s Well, i, 319; ii. 221.
Salerno, School of Medicine, i, 207.
Salmoneus, ii, 206.
Savage, Philip, ii, 119.
Sawbridge, Dean, i, 189.
“Schola Salernitana,” i, 207.
Scroggs, i, 261.
Sharpe, Dr. John, Archbishop of York, ii, 163.
Sheridan, “Life of Swift,” ii, 169.
Sherlock, i, 165.
Sican, Dr. J., i, 280.
Sican, Mrs., i, 282.
Singleton, ii, 253.
Smedley, Dean, i, 317, 345, 348, 350.
Smollett, ii, 130.
Smythe, i, 276.
Somers, ii, 167, 178.
Somerset, Duchess of, satire on, ii, 150, 165.
Sot’s Hole, ii, 365.
“Spectator, The,” ii, 287.
State Trials, ii, 196.
Steele, i, 322; ii, 171, 175.
Sterne, Bishop of Clogher, i, 98.
Stopford, Dorothy, i, 85.
Strand, the, ii, 311.
Suckling, Sir John, ii, 129.
Suffolk, Countess of, i, 155.
Swift, his ill-feeling to Dryden, i, 16, 43, 272;
his love for Congreve, 24;
his regard for Temple, 29, 32;
terms his own calling a trade,
his quarrel with Lord Berkeley, 42;
his regard for Delany, 93, 304, 314, 339;