Epigram on, ii, 297.
Houghton, magnificence of, i, 216.
Howard, Mrs., her finances, i, 156;
Countess of Suffolk, 252, 275.
Howth, ii, 381.
Hoyle on Quadrille, i, 254.
“Hudibras,” cited, i, 70, 71, 168.
Hume, “History of England,” i, 318; ii, 222.
Hutcheson, Hartley, ii, 273, 274.
“Intelligencer,” Paddy’s character
of, i, 312.
“Intelligencer,” cited, ii, 227.
Ireland, verses to, from Horace, ii, 219.
Iris, ii, 329.
Ixion, ii, 382.
Jackson, Dan, i, 96, 137; ii, 325, 332, 333, 335.
Jamaica, referred to, i, 152;
a place of exile, 201.
Janus, addressed, i, 293; ii, 43.
Jason, i, 294.
Joan of France, i, 70.
Johnson, “Life of Dryden,” i, 16;
his “Life of Montague,” 321;
his “Vanity of Human Wishes,”
Johnson (Mrs.), Stella, i, 82.
Jonson, Ben, “Bartholomew Fair,” i, 41.
Journal to Stella, cited, i, 81, 92; ii, 133.
Kendal, Duchess of, ii, 202.
Ker, Colonel, ii, 274.
King, Dr., Archbishop of Dublin, i, 92, 133;
Songs upon, ii, 289;
Poem to, 291.
King’s anecdotes of his own times, ii, 113.
Kingsbury, Dr., ii, 297.
Kite, Serjeant, Epigram to, ii, 255;
Verses to, 256.
Knoggin, ii, 321.
Koenigsmark, i, 331; ii, 150, 151.
Leigh, Tom, ii, 2.99.
Lewis, Lord Oxford’s Secretary, ii, 159, 168.
Limbo, as a pawn shop, i, 168.
Lindsay, i, 182, 187.
Lintot, i, 255, 267.
“Lousiad, The,” ii, 70.
Macartney, General, ii, 174.
Macbeth, cited, i, 199.
Macmorrogh, Dermot, mentioned, ii, 222.
Maevius, ii, 30.
Malahide, famous for oysters, i, 287.
Malone, “Life of Dryden,” i, 16.
Mambrino and Almonte, ii, 153.
Manley, Mrs. de la Riviere, ii, 152.
Marble Hill, built by Mrs. Howard, i, 155.
Market Hill, ii, 89, no, 116.
Marlborough, Duke of, ii, 135;
satirized as Midas, 153;
Elegy on death of, 187.
Masham, Mrs., ii, 150.
Mather, Charles, ii, 135.
Matrimonial advice, i, 210.
May Fair, Answer to lines from, i, 54.
Maypole, The, ii, 311.
Meath, Countess of, i, 85, 299. See Stopford.
Medea, ii, 47.
Megaera, i, 224.
Merlin’s Cave, i, 192.
Middleton, Lord Chancellor, ii, 294.
Milton, cited, i, 195.
“Mingere cum bombis,” i, 207.
Mirmont, Marquis de, i, 157.
“Mob,” Swift’s dislike to the word,
ii, 141.
Montague, i, 321.
Montaigne, cited, ii, 194.
Montezuma or Mutezuma, ii, 112.
Montrose, Marquis of, his epitaph on Charles I, ii,
291, 395.
Moor Park, i, 8, 27.
Moore, Jemmy, i, 253, 254.
Morgan, Marcus Antonius, ii, 270.
Mounthermer, daughter of Duke of Marlborough, i, 147.
“Naboth’s Vineyard,” Swift’s
garden, ii, 132.
Namby Pamby, i, 288; ii, 254.
Narcissus, ii, 364.
Nero, his wish cited, ii, 194.
New style, ii, 151.
Nicknames of Lady Acheson, 94, 95, 106.
Nightingale, the, i, 341.
Northey, Sir Edward, ii, 167.
Notes and Queries, cited, i, 153, 291.
Nottingham, Earl of, ii, 148;
invitation to, from Toland, 156.