Drapier’s Letters, referred to, i, 251; ii, 200, 201.
Drummond of Hawthornden, ii, 89.
Dryden, Swift’s malevolence to, i, 16, 272;
Malone’s life of, 16, 43;
his “All for Love,” ii, 114.
Duck, Stephen, Epigram on, and account of, i, 192;
mentioned, 255, 269.
Dunkin, Dr., ii, 399.
Dunster, i, 281.
Dunton, John, i, 16.
Edgar, King, i, 318.
Elrington, English actor, i, 128, 129.
English Mall, i, 70.
Epigram, French, i, 297.
Epilogue to play for distressed weavers, i, 133.
Europa, ii, 47.
Excise on wines and tobacco defeated, i, 237.
Fagot, Fable of the, ii, 166.
Farnham School, i, 27.
Faulkner, George, imprisoned at the instance of Bettesworth,
ii, 261,
Fielding’s “Life of Jon. Wild,”
i, 225.
Finch, Mrs., Verses to, as Ardelia, i, 52.
Finch, Lord Nottingham, ii, 148, 164.
Fitzpatrick, Brigadier, i, 243.
Flammeum, i, 204.
Flamsteed, i, 113.
Flecknoe, i, 275.
Fleet Ditch, i, 78, 201;
illustration of, referred to, 80.
Floyd, Dame, i, 40, 50.
Forbes, Lady Catherine, i, 107.
Ford, Charles, Verses on, i, 145; ii, 40.
Ford, Matthew, i, 145.
Forster, “Life of Swift,” i, 43, 55;
his notes on Baucis and Philemon, 62.
“Freeholder, The,” ii, 189.
French, Humphrey, ode from Horace addressed to, ii,
Gadbury, i, 113.
Garraway’s auction room, i, 125.
Gaulstown House, described by Delany, i, 136.
Gay, “Shepherd’s week,” i, 83;
Epistle to, satirizing Sir R. Walpole,
post of gentleman usher offered to, 215;
referred to, 104, 273, 322.
George I, death of, i, 155;
disputes with his son, 331.
George II, i, 331; ii, 130.
Godolphin, lampoon on, ii, 133;
satirized by Pope, 136.
Gorgon, ii, 270.
Grafton, Lord Lieutenant, ii, 295.
Greek play, account of, at Sheridan’s school,
ii, 326.
Grierson, Mrs. Constantia, i, 232.
Grimston, i, 275.
Guiscard, his attack on Harley, ii, 148.
Gulliveriana, cited, Scott’s note from, corrected,
i, 130.
Gulliver’s Travels referred to, i, 239.
Gyges, story of, i, 20.
Hakluyt, ii, 60.
Halifax, good, ii, 183.
Hamet, Cid, Ben Eng’li, ii, 133.
Hamilton’s Bawn, described, ii, 101.
Harcourt, Lord Chancellor, i, 259; ii, 167.
Harding, the printer, i, 163; ii, 288, 292.
Harley, Lord Oxford, ii, 159.
Harley, Lord, son of Lord Oxford, i, 87.
Harris, Mrs. Frances, her Petition, i, 36, 40.
Helsham, Dr. Richard, ii, 85, 307, 309, 373.
Henley, i, 256.
Herostratus, ii, 275.
Hill, Birkbeck, “Letters of Swift,” i,
Hobbes’ “Leviathan” referred to,
i, 274.
Hogarth, i, 265.
Holles, Henrietta Cavendish, i, 87.
Holyhead, Verses written at, i, 292.
Hoppy, Epilogue to benefit of, i, 130.
Horace. See Classics.