The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy.

The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy.
The mountains arose and the valleys descended to the place the Lord had appointed for them.  Those different grounds have their particular advantages, according to the divers aspects of the sun.  In those deep valleys grow fresh and tender grass to feed cattle.  Next to them opens a vast champaign covered with a rich harvest.  Here, hills rise like an amphitheatre, and are crowned with vineyards and fruit-trees.  There, high mountains carry aloft their frozen brows to the very clouds, and the torrents that run down from them become the springs of rivers.  The rocks that show their craggy tops bear up the earth of mountains just as the bones bear up the flesh in human bodies.

There is scarce any spot of ground absolutely barren if a man do not grow weary of digging, and turning it to the enlivening sun, and if he require no more from it than it is proper to bear.  Amidst stone and rocks there is sometimes excellent pasture, and their cavities have veins which, being penetrated by the piercing rays of the sun, furnish plants with most savoury juices for the feeding of herds and flocks.  Even sea-coasts that seem to be the most sterile and wild yield sometimes either delicious fruits or most wholesome medicines that are wanting in the most fertile countries.  Besides, it is the effect of a wise over-ruling Providence that no land yields all that is useful to human life.  For want invites men to commerce, in order to supply one another’s necessities.  It is therefore that want which is the natural tie of society between nations; otherwise, all the people of the earth would be reduced to one sort of food and clothing, and nothing would invite them to know and visit one another.

All that the earth produces, being corrupted, returns into her bosom, and becomes the source of a new production.  Thus she resumes all she has given in order to give again.  Thus the corruption of plants, and of the animals she feeds, feed her, and improve her fertility.  Thus, the more she gives the more she resumes; and she is never exhausted, provided they who cultivate her restore to her what she has given.  Everything comes from her bosom, everything returns to it, and nothing is lost in it.  Nay, all seeds multiply there.

Admire the plants that spring from the earth; they yield food for the healthy, and remedies for the sick.  Their species and virtues are innumerable.  They deck the earth, yield verdure, fragrant flowers, and delicious fruits.  Do you see those vast forests that seem as old as the world?  Those trees sink into the earth by their roots, as deep as their branches shoot up to the sky.  Their roots defend them against the winds, and fetch up, as it were by subterranean pipes, all the juices destined to feed the trunk.  The trunk itself is covered with a tough bark that shelters the tender wood from the injuries of the air.  The branches distribute, by several pipes, the sap which the roots had gathered up in the trunk.  In summer the boughs protect us with their shadow against the scorching rays of the sun.

Project Gutenberg
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.