of the sacrum, the yellow race next, while the black
race has the flattest sacrum.[140] The black race
thus possesses the least developed pelvis, the narrowest,
and the flattest. It is certainly not an accidental
coincidence that it is precisely among people of black
race that we find a simulation of the large pelvis
of the higher races admired and cultivated in the form
of steatopygia. This is an enormously exaggerated
development of the subcutaneous layer of fat which
normally covers the buttocks and upper parts of the
thighs in woman, and in this extreme form constitutes
a kind of natural fatty tumor. Steatopygia cannot
be said to exist, according to Deniker, unless the
projection of the buttocks exceeds 4 per cent of the
individual’s height; it frequently equals 10
per cent. True steatopygia only exists among
Bushman and Hottentot women, and among the peoples
who are by blood connected with them. An unusual
development of the buttocks is, however, found among
the Woloffs and many other African peoples.[141] There
can be no doubt that among the black peoples of Africa
generally, whether true steatopygia exists among them
or not, extreme gluteal development is regarded as
a very important, if not the most important, mark
of beauty, and Burton stated that a Somali man was
supposed to choose his wife by ranging women in a
row and selecting her who projected farthest
tergo.[142] In Europe, it must be added, clothing
enables this feature of beauty to be simulated.
Even by some African peoples the posterior development
has been made to appear still larger by the use of
cushions, and in England in the sixteenth century we
find the same practice well recognized, and the Elizabethan
dramatists refer to the “bum-roll,” which
in more recent times has become the bustle, devices
which bear witness to what Watts, the painter, called
“the persistent tendency to suggest that the
most beautiful half of humanity is furnished with
tails."[143] In reality, as we see, it is simply a
tendency, not to simulate an animal character, but
to emphasize the most human and the most feminine
of the secondary sexual characters, and therefore,
from the sexual point of view, a beautiful feature.[144]
Sometimes admiration for this characteristic is associated
with admiration for marked obesity generally, and
it may be noted that a somewhat greater degree of
fatness may also be regarded as a feminine secondary
sexual character. This admiration is specially
marked among several of the black peoples of Africa,
and here to become a beauty a woman must, by drinking
enormous quantities of milk, seek to become very fat.
Sonnini noted that to some extent the same thing might
be found among the Mohammedan women of Egypt.
After bright eyes and a soft, polished, hairless skin,
an Egyptian woman, he stated, most desired to obtain
embonpoint; men admired fat women and women
sought to become fat. “The idea of a very
fat woman,” Sonnini adds, “is nearly always