Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 534 pages of information about Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3.

Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 534 pages of information about Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3.
a child.  But why should a child of 6 do such things unless it were a natural instinct in him?  Nobody showed me; I have never mentioned such things to anyone.  I used to read historical romances for the pleasure of reading of people being put in prison, in fetters, and tortured, and always envied them.  I feel now that I should like to undergo the sensation.  If I could get anyone to humor me without losing their self-respect, I should jump at the opportunity.  I have been most powerfully excited by visiting an old Australian convict-ship, where all the means of restraint are shown; I have been attracted to it night after night, wanting, but not daring to ask, to be allowed to have a practical experience.”
Stcherbak, of Warsaw, has recorded a case which resembles that of A.N., but there was no inversion and the attraction of fetters was active rather than passive; the subject desired to fetter and not to be fettered.  It is possible that this difference is not fundamental, though Stcherbak regards the case as one of fetichism of sadistic origin ("Contribution a l’Etude des Perversions Sexuelles,” Archives de Neurologie, Oct., 1907).  The subject was a highly intelligent though neurasthenic youth, who from the age of 5 had been deeply interested in criminals who were fettered and sent to prison.  The fate of Siberian prisoners was a frequent source of prolonged meditations.  It was the fettering which alone interested him, and he spent much time in trying to imagine the feelings of the fettered prisoners, and he often imagined that he was himself a prisoner in fetters. (This seems to indicate that the impulse was in its origin masochistic as much as sadistic, and better described as algolagnia than as sadism.) He delighted in stories and pictures of fettered persons.  At the age of 15 the sex of the fettered person became important and he was interested chiefly in fettered women.  A new element also appeared; he was attracted to well-dressed women and especially to those wearing elegant shoes, delighting to imagine them fettered.  He fastened his own feet together with chains, attempting to walk about his room in this condition, but experienced comparatively little pleasure in this way.  At the age of 15 he met a lady 10 years older than himself and of great intelligence.  As he began to know her more intimately she allowed him to take liberties with her; he fastened her hands behind her back, and this caused him a violent but delicious emotion which he had never experienced before.  Next time he fastened her feet together as well as her hands; as he did so her shoes slightly touched his sexual organs; this caused erection and ejaculation, accompanied by the most acute sexual pleasure he had ever felt.  He had no wish to see her naked or to uncover himself, and as long as this relationship lasted he had no abnormal thoughts at other times, or in connection with other people.  He never masturbated, and his sexual dreams were
Project Gutenberg
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.