from their wet-nurses, generally low Mulatto women,
and many reasons help to foster the habit; the young
men are often dissipated and the young women often
remain single.[296] Niceforo, who shows a special
knowledge of the working-girl class at Rome, states
that in many milliners’ and dressmakers’
workrooms, where young girls are employed, it frequently
happens that during the hottest hours of the day,
between twelve and two, when the mistress or forewoman
is asleep, all the girls without exception give themselves
up to masturbation.[297] In France a country cure
assured Debreyne that among the little girls who come
up for their first communion, 11 out of 12 were given
to masturbation.[298] The medical officer of a Prussian
reformatory told Rohleder that nearly all the inmates
over the age of puberty masturbated. Stanley
Hall knew a reform school in America where masturbation
was practiced without exception, and he who could practice
it oftenest was regarded with hero-worship.[299] Ferriani,
who has made an elaborate study of youthful criminality
in Italy, states that even if all boys and girls among
the general population do not masturbate, it is certainly
so among those who have a tendency to crime. Among
458 adult male criminals, Marro (as he states in his
Caratteri dei Delinquenti) found that only
72 denied masturbation, while 386 had practiced it
from an early age, 140 of them before the age of thirteen.
Among 30 criminal women Moraglia found that 24 acknowledged
the practice, at all events in early youth (8 of them
before the age of 10, a precocity accompanied by average
precocity in menstruation), while he suspected that
most of the remainder were not unfamiliar with the
practice. Among prostitutes of whatever class
or position Moraglia found masturbation (though it
must be pointed out that he does not appear to distinguish
masturbation very clearly from homosexual practices)
to be universal; in one group of 50 prostitutes everyone
had practiced masturbation at some period; 28 began
between the ages of 6 and 11; 19, between 12 and 14,
the most usual period—a precocious one—of
commencing puberty; the remaining 3 at 15 and 16; the
average age of commencing masturbation, it may be added,
was 11, while that of the first sexual intercourse
was 15.[300] In a larger group of 180 prostitutes,
belonging to Genoa, Turin, Venice, etc., and among
23 “elegant cocottes,” of Italian and
foreign origin, Moraglia obtained the same results;
everyone admitted masturbation, and not less than 113
preferred masturbation, either solitary or mutual,
to normal coitus. Among the insane, as among
idiots, masturbation is somewhat more common among
males, according to Blandford, in England, as also
it is in Germany, according to Naecke,[301] while
Venturi, in Italy, has found it more common among