Pepper, viii. 183.
Penguins described, x. 145. Penguin fruit, 269.
Peyton’s Voyage to the East Indies, ix. 45l.
Philippine Islands described, x. 274.
See Manilla.
Pizarro, v. 75. 129. 151. 161. Death of, 167.
Plaintain Tree, viii. 259. x. 204.
Portuguese transactions in India, vi. 88.
Empire in the East, in the 17th century, vii. 36.
Settlements in the East in 1616, ix. 239.
Potosi Mines discovered, v. 94.
Prince William’s Sound described, xvi. 279.
Animals, xvi. 286.
Inhabitants, 279.
Language, 285.
Pring’s Voyage to India, ix. 451.
Proa, flying, described, xi.464.
Pulo Timooan described, xii. 1O9.
Pulo Condore described, x. 281. xvii. 280.
Queen Charlotte’s Island (o’ Wales) discovered
and described, xii. 168.
Islands of Carteret, xii. 275.
Quito, Island of, described, xi. 393.
Quirinis’s Voyage into Norway, i. 485.
Rainold’s and Dassel’s Voyage to the Senegal
and Gambia, vii. 342.
Red Sea, vi. 149. 262. 285. 291. 299, 315. 334. 349.
Rhinoceros, account of, i. 379. viii. 25.
Robart’s Embassy to Morocco, vii. 327.
Roe’s, Sir Thomas, Embassy to the Mogul, ix.
Roger’s, Wood, Voyage round the World, x. 327.
Roggewin’s Voyage round the World, xi. 65.
Rowle’s Voyage to the East-Indies, viii. 335.
Rubruquis’ Travels into Tartary, i. 161.
Russia, early account of, i. 509. ii. 162.
Rutter’s Voyage to Guinea, vii. 293.
Salt Trade in Africa, account of, ii. 215.
Solomon’s Voyage to the East Indies, ix. 110.
Sago described, x. 175.
Samarkand described, i. 298.
Saris’ Voyage to the East Indies, viii. 465.
Savage Island described, x. 359.
Sandwich Island, of Carteret, xii. 298.
Sandwich Land, xv. 34.
Sandwich Islands of Cook discovered and described,
xvi. 172. 195. xvii. 1.
Number, xvii. 2.
Owhyhee, 3.—See Owhyhee.
Mowee, 11.
Atooi, 13.—See Atooi.
Climate, 14.
Animals, 15.
Inhabitants, 19.
Stature, 20.
Numbers, 22.
Character, 23.
Dress, 27.
Villages, 32.
Food, 33.
Dances and other amusements, 34.
Arts, 38.
Government, 41.
Religion, 45.
Taboo, 48.
Marriages and Funerals, 49. 51.
Savu Island and Inhabitants described, xiii. 387.
Schouten and Le Maires’ Voyage round the World,
x. 162.
Senegal River described, ii. 220.
Sea Fights in the 16th century, vii. 396.
Selkirk, Alexander, account of, x. 349.
Sea Lion described, xi. 318. xv. 6. 15.
—— Bear, xv. 15.
Sea, warmth at different depths, xiv. 33. note.
Shelvock’s Voyage round the World, x. 434. xi.