Music and Dancing, 583.
Lefoogan, one of them described, 369.
Hervey’s Isle discovered and described, xv. 334.
Helix Janthina and Violacea described, xii. 370.
Hippopotamus described, ii. 253.
Hispaniola described, iii. 133. 159. 277. 329. 387.
Hippon’s Voyage to India, viii. 436.
——Account of, by Floris, viii. 440.
Hogan’s Embassy to Morocco, vii. 320.
Holythura Physalis described, xii. 370.
Honduras described, iv. 267.
Horn Island, x. 179.
——, Cape. See CAPE Horn.
Hottentot’s described, x. 234. xi. 185.
Huahcine Island described, xiii. 78.
——, religious ceremonies in, xvi. 73.
See Society Islands.
Hudson’s Bay, Abstract of Discoveries in, xv. 144.
Hurricanes in American Seas, xi. 83.
I and J
Iceland discovered, i. 4.
Ice Islands, xiv. 48. 243. note.
——, on the formation of, xv. 43.
Icy Cape, xvi. 344.
Incas of Peru, iv. 362.
India described, ix. 373.
Produce, Animals, vi. 269. ix. 387. 392.
Pepper, i. 404.
Diamond Mines, 387.
Houses, ix. 391.
Castles, viii. 280. 284.
Climate, ix. 393.
Manners, Customs, i. 85. 94. 384. 408.
vi. 269. vii. 157. 482.
Mahometans in, ix. 404.
Hindoos, 409.
Brahmins, i. 387.
Idols, 407.
Pagodas, ii. 362.
Laws, 253.
Court Ceremonies in the 16th Century,
364. 407. See Mogul.
Bengal described, i. 251. vi. 242. vii.
109. 478.
Calicut described, ii. 345. 522. vii.
Cambay, vii. 80. 475. viii. 302.
Candahar, ix. 212.
Cochin, ii. 419. vii. 164. xi. 162.
Coromandel Coast, xi. 155.
Deccan, vii. 84.
Delhi, viii. 292. See Mogul.
Goa, Diu, vii. 149.
Guzerat, vi. 227.
Lahore, viii. 295. ix. 208.
Malabar Coast, ii. 347. 467. vi. 481.
xi. 160.
Surat, viii. 275. ix. 119. 230. 391. xi.
Sinde, ix. 131.
Trade before discovery of the Cape of
Good Hope, vi. 73.
State of, at the beginning of the 16th
century, vi. 81.
English Factories in, in 1616, ix. 258.
Indians of America, food, iii. 215.
Dress, Canoes, &c. 266. 270. 277. 322.
At south extremity of South America, v.
40l. xii. 152. 155. 405. See
Indigo, viii. 289.
Irish, account of, in 16th century, vii. 394.
Isabella, first colony in the West Indies, iii. 313.
Jaloffs, ii. 221. 227.
Jamaica described, iii. 115.
Japan described, i. 375. vi. 382. viii. 78. xi. 178.
Commodities vendible in, ix. 71. 75.
Japanese manners, ix. 10.
Court, 25.
Festival, 51.
Java described, i. 378. 408. vi. 153. vii. 119. viii.
142. 183. x. 46.
86. 331. xi. 118. 166.
Court Ceremonies, viii. 166.
Bantam, viii. 183.
First English Factory in, viii. 141.
Jesso, ix. 70. xvii. 227. note.