A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 eBook

Robert Kerr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 938 pages of information about A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels.

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 eBook

Robert Kerr (writer)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 938 pages of information about A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels.

115.  Voyage de Paul Lucas au Levant.  Paris, 1704. 2 vols. 12mo.

116.  Voyage de Paul Lucas, dans la Grece, l’Asie Mineure, la Macedoine, et l’ Afrique.  Paris, 1712. 2 vols. 12mo.—­The credit and veracity of this author, which was long suspected, has, in many of his most suspicious parts, been confirmed by modern travellers.

117.  Memoire du Chevalier D’Arvieux:  contenant ses Voyages a Constantinople, dans l’Asie, la Palestine, l’Egypte, la Barbarie, &c.  Paris, 1735. 6 vols. 12mo.—­This author was well qualified from his knowledge of the oriental languages, and from the official situations he filled, to gain an accurate and minute knowledge of the people among whom he resided.  His account of his sojourn among the Bedouin Arabs is particularly curious.

118.  Viaggi di P. della Valle dall Anno 1614, fin al’ 1626.  Venice, 1671. 4 vols. 4to.—­These travels comprehend Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Persia, and the East Indies.  They are written in a pleasant, lively manner; what relates to Persia is most valuable.  They have been translated into French, English, and German.

119.  Schultz, Reisen durch Europa, Asien, und Africa.  Halle, 1771-75. 5 vols. 8vo.

120.  Laeflingii Petri iter Hispanicum.  Stockholm, 1758. 8vo.—­This work, originally published in Swedish, was translated by C. Linnaeus into German, under the following title:  Reise nach den Spanischen Landern in Europa und Amerika, 1751—­56.  Berlin, 1776. 8vo.  It is chiefly valuable for its natural history information.

121.  Voyage en Amerique, en Italie, en Sicile, et en Egypte, 1816—­19. 2 vols. 8vo.

122.  The true Travels of Captain J. Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, from 1593 to 1629.  London, 1664. fol.—­This work, like most of the old travels, derives its principal value from enabling us to compare the countries visited, and their inhabitants, with their present state; and its principal interest from the personal adventures of the author.  To such works, as well as to minute biography, time gives a value and utility, which they do not intrinsically possess.

123.  Itinerarium Portugalensium e Lusitania in Indiam et inde in Occidentem et demum ad Aquilonem, ab.  Arch.  Madrignan. 1508. fol.—­Originally published in Portuguese.

124.  Josten, Reisebeschreibung durch die Turkey, Ungern, Polen, Reussen, Bohemen, &c. neue Jerusalem, Ost und West Indien.  Lubec, 1652. 4to.

125.  Graaf, Reisen naer Asia, Africa, America, en Europa.  Amsterdam, 1686. 8vo.

126.  Historia y Viage del Mundo en los cincos Partes; de la Europa, Africa, Asia, America y Magellanica.  Par Levallos.  Madrid, 1691. 4to.

127.  John Ovington’s Voyage to Surat, with a Description of the Islands of Madeira and St. Helena.  London, 1698. 8vo.

128.  Le Bruyn’s Voyage to the Levant.  Translated from the French.  London, 1702. fol.—­This work bears a similar character as the preceding travels of the author already noticed.  The plates are excellent.

Project Gutenberg
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.